mrsmaslin Member


  • I wouldn't do planks. No ab work at all until fixed. Your not even supposed to lift heavy or run a good distance. I personally lifted heavy upper body but didnt squat or deadlift heavy for 8 weeks until I felt an improvement. Its worth holding back shorterm to fix yourself faster.
  • Dont do ANY ab exercises at all. Try doing some breathing exercises, pulling your belly button in on the outbreath. Do a few sets of these several times a day to begin with. I had 3 finger separation at Christmas, got them checked last week and have got it down to 1 finger separation. It takes time and breathing correctly…
  • I started with about 6kg dumbells, depending on exercise doing 3 sets of 12 3 sets of 10 4 sets of 8 5 x 5 getting heavier and heavier I was/am fit, through cardio / running / circuit training and dabbled with weights in the past but nothing serious or consistant I am still classed as overweight but im marathon fit and…
  • a full body weights routine will suit you best. have a look on and choose a programme that suits you. I personally started with Jamie Eason's Live Fit programme and LOVED IT!
  • I started off loving legs day, then it switched to back, suddenly it changed to chest day and now im all about the back again!! the heavier and heavier im getting with my legs the less im enjoying it, but its SOOOOO worth the results!
  • eat or drink protine 30mins after a weights session this will help reduce it down somewhat
  • if you are working the lower body correctly (heavy weights) then theres NO WAY you should be capable of doing any cardio after let alone HIIT. U should be crawling out of the gym after just the weights alone.
  • lifting heavy DOES NOT MAKE WOMEN BULKY cupcakes make women bulky Gaining muscle by lifting heavy weights is the only way that will make you 'toned', not hours of endless cardio
  • yes women can drink protine shakes like men do. you cant not burn fat and gain muscle at the same time im afraid. its one or the other. to gain muscle, the muscles need feeding, eating in a surplus of carloies or at least at maintenance for a newbee. to burn fat you need to eat in a calorie deflect . choose which way suits…
  • fantastic results can be had from eating at maintenence and doing compound lifts, full body routine x 3 a week. each session shouldn't take you longer than 60 minutes. and cardio isn't necessary, infact it would hinder the muscle growth at first. I personally did this for 12 weeks and am now cutting to hopefully reveal the…
  • it isn't necessary to workout for 2.5 hours a day to get results. im massively into women weight lifting. and it really does work wonders for us! lift heavy. get results. a weight lifting programme shouldn't take you longer than 45-60 minutes in the gym.