TenshiDuck Member


  • A half cup of full fat Greek yogurt has 5g carbs... whether you think that is an acceptable amount of carbs or not depends on your way of eating, but I am including it in my "ok" list!
  • We have bed bugs.... :(
  • The cardinal rule of WLS - protein fills you up and carbs "slide" - is a complete and utter fallacy where my tummy is concerned. Sure, enough protein makes me feel full, but I feel fuller on, say, the same amount of rice or pasta. Do I then maybe have a snack later? Sure - but I do it regardless of the macronutrient I ate…
  • I was out hunting last evening with my stepdaughter for about an hour! I haven't chosen a team yet... We live in central PA (near Penn State). TONS of pokestops on campus. We're going to go exploring down there next!