

  • A 2006 study published in the American Journal of Physiology seemed to indicate that spot reduction may be possible, although to what degree is unclear. In the study, conducted at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), scientists had male subjects perform single-leg extensions with light weight for 30 consecutive minutes.…
  • A 2006 study published in the American Journal of Physiology seemed to indicate that spot reduction may be possible, although to what degree is unclear. In the study, conducted at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark), scientists had male subjects perform single-leg extensions with light weight for 30 consecutive minutes.…
  • Just so you know, both Larry Scott and Arnold say you CAN spot reduce and both said it regarding their abs. Larry Scott says it when he is introducing his "ring of fire" exercises and Arnold explains that he can do a lot of cardio and not have his abs where he wants them, but one long ab session and his abs are back. Just…
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