katieintheattic Member


  • It's taken me a year to lose ten inches off both my waist and hips, if that's any consolation for you! I recommend observing the same protocols for measuring as weighing - before breakfast, after the morning toilet visit and I try to stick to the same day of the week/month to check for consistency's sake.
  • Yeah, you can safely lose a lot more a lot faster when you're heavier. I'm basically where you are now, with a bit more than two stone to lose. So far it hasn't slowed down but I'm prepared for the next stage to take longer. 1.75lb a week would be a lot if you don't have far to go, though not impossible. The main thing…
  • It took me 3.5 months, so don't get too excited! I've had pretty consistent losses with a fixed exercise routine, too. The only thing I've changed over the last six months is how much and what I eat. I've made small changes and although it was frustrating at the start (I started with a bit of a plateau, so that wasn't…