

  • Hiya, I am very happy to help you on your weightloss journey Hun and support you in anyway I can. My name is Lisa, I am 33 and from the north of the United Kingdom. I have been on other weightloss program's before and successfully lost huge amounts of weight, but since the birth of my second son I have piled it all back on…
  • Better find my pedometer and get stepping.
  • THe stress at work is unbearable, so I am leaving in a couple of weeks so that I can spend more time with my two sons. My hubby works a lot so will be able to support us without me working. The last thing I need is my blood pressure rising. Xxx
  • I hate all these different conversions lol, but will try to keep up. We measure in stones and pounds here in the uk. Must admit I have been using the conversion charts here to get my weight in kg. Good luck to all of you on your weightloss journeys Lisa xx
  • I have only just joined the plan, and am aiming to lose at least half a stone before my nephews christening at the end of June. I am happy to join anyone's team and spur you on to achieve your goals. I have done weight watchers in the past and have reached goal on one occasion, but have piled it all back on through eating…