

  • I just scheduled mine for June 10th, after turning 50 THREE years ago and being a complete wimp about it. UNTIL I know someone who was diagnosed with a rectal tumor and is currently going through the horrendous treatment process of radiation, chemo, surgery, more chemo and radiation that should last for a good year in the…
  • What a nice bit of research, thank you Miss J!!
  • Thanks for comments thusfar!! Yes, I was thinking that the skin elasticity might have something to do with it. My bodyfat percentage is around 31% so am squeaking in at just a little below obese--yikes!! But I started at 42% a little over a year ago so I am very happy. I would love to get below 30% and figure I am on the…
  • You will get used to it, just keep going!! I actually never did classes on consecutive days for that reason when I first started. Now, a year later, I can do many classes in a week with just thin workout pants and no problem. And I have lost lots of my natural butt padding (if you know what I mean!!) by doing regular spin…
  • That is phenomenal--congrats and thanks for the inspiration!!!
  • I make mine with coconut milk, frozen blueberries or cherries, and protein powder--absolutely delicious and non-dairy!! very filling too, I might add. Oops, forgot that I also put flaxseeds in as well, for fiber and for filling-ness!!
  • We have four dogs, and I love them all!!! Two of them are in my picture here. Two are former racing greyhounds, one is an italian greyhound (a mini-greyhound, really) and the fourth is a lovable Lab. My letter is to my lovely greyhounds: Dear Greyhounds-- Thank you for inspiring me to lose weight by setting the example…
  • Yes, I am planning on easing into it. I think that the hardest thing for me to figure out is what to eat for small snacks between meals. Right now, that is when I have fat free greek yogurt and hummus on flatbread crackers, all of which is no-go on Paleo (hey, that really rhymed :laugh: ). I am currently reading Primal…
  • Oh, thank you for this source!! I am familiar with the Weston Price traditional foods way of eating too, and was thinking about combining it with Paleo also, as this author says he does. Interesting. and thanks to DrBorkBork for sharing your numbers---the other reason I am thinking about this is that I definitely have some…
  • wow. just, wow. Such tremendous insight. I am so impressed, and it helps me feel better about good old dr. phil too. But YOU did all the work, the soul searching, and the tremendous openness in your heart to seach for the answer despite the fear. Keep on going, your amazing life is all yours now!!!
  • I wonder if it has something with the little sleep. How many hours a night are you averaging?
  • I wear my HRM during spinning classes and I typically burn about between 350-400 cals in a 45 min class, depending on the intensity of the instructor! But it takes into account my weight etc. so I would recommend using an HRM to get a more accurate read for you--I would guess you are burning more than me since you are a…
  • What a GORGEOUS doggy! Love the blue eyes, they are so striking!! My greyhounds look hairless next to him!
  • Yes, eating more calories (carefully, like you know) may be the answer. I don't know if it is truly "post-anorexia" metabolism as much as it may be that you are very close to your goal weight and our bodies seem to have a much much harder time giving up the weight the closer we get to goal.
  • You would think my greyhounds would be wonderful running buddies, but no way!! When I have tried to break into a little run with them they either stop dead,or just trot along but look at me the whole time with the most incredulous expressions, like "don't you know we are retired??" or maybe it's "you silly human with your…
  • I am not an expert, but here is my experience-- I use a Tanita scale that measures body fat, water, muscle mass, etc. through bioelectrical impedance analysis. I did lots of reading and research and went into it knowing that it would not be exactly accurate. But for me, it has been incredibly helpful, as others have said,…
  • You look AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work!
  • I have two retired racing greyhounds, and volunteer a lot in greyhound rescue--and love them lots and lots!!
  • Wow--that sounds delicious!!! Thanks for sharing!
  • I'm in!! I just did my first Burn Circuit 1 today! Had to modify a few things, and I went light on the weight today, but hope to push it (carefully!!) soon. I have chronic neck and shoulder pain so I have to be really careful when I lift weights, but I am desperate to build some nice lean muscle and this seems like the way…
  • Salmon. I hate salmon, but I so wish I could like it, I know it is so healthy!! But it tastes way to strong and fishy to me.
  • Hi everyone! I just got my Chalean Extreme set today and I am so excited! I think I may try the first burn circuit tomorrow, I have some extra time before going and it would be great to take it slow the first time I try it. But I would like to post progress and get/give support on this thread too--I will need the…
  • I have just started cycling after many years of not getting on anything other than a recumbent bike in the gym. I love it!! I bought a Trek 7.3 WDX fitness bike, and it is great. I can only go out on weekends so far but once the weather gets really nice around here I hope to do some good rides early in the morning before…
  • I find that all the jumping (butt kicks, jumping jacks, jump rope) really hurts my joints. I either have to modify or not do the jumping at all, but then I think that the whole point of the 20 minute workout is then lost to me. It is very disappointing for me--I have the cardiovascular conditioning to do it from that…
  • Thanks so much for replies thusfar! I am very encouraged to hear that it is do-able compared to P90X. It can be very frustrating when I definitely want to increase the intensity of my workouts but the aches and pains call the shots sometimes. I ordered it from Amazon so I won't be getting it until next Tuesday. I will keep…
  • Congratulations on the great start!! My first week was difficult--I was hungry a lot, almost felt like I was going through withdrawal (which I kind of was--withdrawing from using food as a "drug"!!). But it has gotten a lot easier, and now I love my routine of several small meals, snacks and great workouts! Oh, and the…
  • Great question Julia! I also use whey protein, for the reasons that others have said--it metabolizes so much better relative to other protein powder sources, especially if you get a high quality whey. It is another example of "you get what you pay for"--so I have found that I tolerate certain brands of whey protein better…
  • I have tried it both ways. I initially started off with daily weighing, which went well for the first week or two. I really thought that I would have no problem at all with the fluctuation I knew would happen. But boy did I have a problem with it!! I think what happened was it reminded me of all the other diets I have been…
  • I love this community!!! I have had the same problem--used to poop like a champ (TMI, right?? sorry!) prior to weight loss efforts. Goes to show how much fat I was probably eating then!! Now, not much going on. It is helpful to know that this is a not uncommon part of things as the body is adjusting. Thanks for the great…