resormar Member


  • Well for me the best thing I have tried and its my go to is Almond Dream's Chocolate Bites. Oh man they seem so good if feels like I am cheating ha ha they are pricey but when I need a fix they do the job for me.
  • I think for me one of the biggest problems I have is that people feel guilty eating the food they choose around me. Its weird its like if you were to tell people you were a pastor they would act different knowing that well some would and I feel that a lot of times when eating with people. I have actually been out with…
  • I know that there are no simple ways to just wake up one morning and feel like you have everything under control. Please listen to a old man (42) you can only do what you can do and so when life is firing at you from all angles just remember that you are hand crafted by a master maker that doesn't make any mistakes. I so…