

  • Cheers mate, I didn't know DOMS could take that long so thanks that's good to know. I'll give it a go putting it on back day and adding in concentration curls. Thanks again
  • Yeah that's still good, as long as you're pushing yourself you should see gains! Oh alright cool, and well football's the only sport I'm decent at so I'm kind of limited lol. That's a good idea about uni though, since I started at uni and regular visits to the gym I've actually made some real gains.
  • Your body has two stores of energy; glycogen and fat. Glycogen supplies around half an hours energy and in laymans terms, is 'carbs'. After this thirty minutes of exercise, your body starts to take energy from your fat stores to power your movement. Try cardiovascular exercises first thing in the morning, after your coffee…
  • Visit somebody you haven't seen since before January, you feel like nothing has changed because to everyone else nothing really has. If people see you everyday they don't notice the changes as they happen so gradually. So meet up with someone you haven't seen in a while and pay attention to any comments they make on your…
  • If you're aiming to train muscles other than your legs, then deffo with a barbell. The barbell will incorporate your arms, shoulders, and back muscles for stability and balance, while the muscles in your leg performing the pushing motion.
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