

  • The first thing I lose is my BUTT! I don't even have a butt to start with. Keep in mind that women are genetically designed to carry weight in our tummys for the purpose of protecting and growing a child while they are in the whomb. So, that being said...that is the LAST place we lost our weight! Just stick to it. There is…
  • Oh I totally fall off the bandwagon some days....and then the damn wagon runs me over the next day. So, I totally feel ya there! Try not to be so hard on yourself. So you had some gold fish and a granola bar or didn't go to DQ and get an extra large snickers blizzard! So take a deep breath, tell yourself that…
  • I voted for you guys:)
  • Mine also go numb. I have tried different shoes and it happens anyways. I was asking my friend if hers go numb and hers do also. So this counts and two votes for numb toeseys. It takes me a few minutes to really walk when I get off the machine also...I haven't fallen yet but I'm waiting for that day. WIll probably be when…
  • I have been wondering about this too. When I get home from the gym I put in what my workout was and it tells me that I can eat what I burned off. That just seems a little silly to me. I have always thought that you should burn more calories in a day than you consume. Has this method worked for anyone?? I have only been on…