

  • You can get Isopure at most GNC Nutrition Stores or online at Amazon. Keep a look out for the sales at GNC - sometimes they have a buy one get another 1/2 off sale. I'm not sure if this helps at all ...but I was told to not stock up too much before surgery as often our taste buds change after surgery. I've heard lots of…
  • Everyone's taste buds are different - but I really loved Isopure (The Creamy Vanilla and Dutch Chocolate). I found both of these flavors to not be too sweet - with just the right amount of flavor. Isopure is almost non-Carb and has 50 grams of protein for 2 scoops. The low (some are zero) carb/low sugar content was…
  • Welcome! The journey you are about to embark upon will be both exciting and a little bit scary at times. I am almost one year out - my "surgiversary" is 8/16. I was an absolute mess prior the surgery - just so afraid of the surgery itself and wondering is this would really work - when so many "diets" had failed for me in…
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