

  • 1) SW: 167 CW: 164.4 (1 lb. down from last week) 2) What's working for you/ what isn't? Working: *Not eating after 8 PM. *Attempting to reach my goal of 10,000 steps/day. Doesn't always happen but since I've started trying, it keeps me at least in maintenance mode. *Staying within 1200-1400 calories. Not Working: *A bad…
  • 1. SW: 167 CW:165.4 2. How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best? - I'm happy with my results for the week. I was actually surprised I maintained a loss trend. Hopefully I can keep it up this next week. 3. How are…
  • Watched the Wizards/Bulls playoff game and couldn't manage to put in a workout beforehand so I didn't do my daily workout until 10:30. I hesitated to workout so late but after it's all said and done, I'm glad I pushed myself and did it anyway. Any extra calorie I can lose is a plus for me.:wink:
  • 1) SW: 167 I'm hoping to lose 12 pounds. 2) What motivates me is that I want to be able to take pictures with friends and family without looking like 'the fat one.' I also want to be able to shop at my favorite brand stores without worrying about not finding my size or clothes not fitting right. 3) Since I used to be the…