saragd012 Member


  • That's fair I suppose. :D Fortunately my hateful family members started dropping off my friends lists when I started responding to their hateful posts with things like, "you understand this applies to me right? How could you say such hurtful things about your niece/cousin, especially in such a public way?" But I do have 2…
  • I don't actually understand why people get upset about what other people post, baring total nudity or overt violence/racism/sexism/hateful content. If I'm following someone on social media it's because I care about them in some way; so I want to see their babies, pets, accomplishments, etc. If I didn't care to see those…
  • I love quesadillas when I don't want to spend much time cooking. Also, eggs "fried" in a few tablespoons of leftover marinara or salsa is always delicious. The eggs are super versatile, I'll usually throw in any leftover veggies/beans and either eat it with bread/tortilla or over rice. I like runny yolks but for the baby…
  • I have been following this thread, because I think it's amazing to see everyone's honesty and being reminded what an actual human body looks like untouched and without strategic posing. I wasn't going to share, but it feels hypocritical to applaud you all without putting myself out there too. I struggle in this place…
  • I've only been "heavy" lifting for about 3 months. Before that I did years of "boot camp" style classes using 10-15lb dumbbells. I felt like I stalled forever with those weights and just looked way too skinny so I decided it was time for a change. I know my numbers aren't considered heavy for many people, but they are…
  • Generally when I lost interest in someone it was because I realized that we weren't in the same place in life, and looking for opposite things. Especially when I felt they were moving way too fast for me, like telling me they were "falling for me" after knowing them for a single week. To me, that either meant they were…
  • There is an invisible line around my waist at my belly button. Any extra weight starts at that line and works it's way to my thighs.
  • Oh my goodness, you both aged BACKWARDS! You both look so great, seriously, great work!
  • Yes, I tend to save Monday through Friday so I can be more flexible over the weekend. My struggle with that sometimes though is some weekend we don't really do much, so I'm not using up the bank and end up under-eating that week. Those weekends seem to balance out though with the occasional "I have a million calories and…
  • I usually have fruit as a "dessert" with my lunch. Sometimes I'll add berries to my salads, but honestly I do not eat a lot of salad so it's not very often.
  • I take about two hours every Sunday to prep lunches for the week, and basic prep for a few dinners. Generally we'll chat before I go grocery shopping and I encourage her to pick one meal (or at least a type of food that I can expand upon based on what produce looks good at the store). Then I'll make two different meals and…
  • I almost never use oil with my salads, I prefer to get my fats from nuts/seeds and cheese. If I'm out I just use balsamic vinegar on its own, I love the tartness, especially with goat cheese. If I'm at home I'll go with salsa or my homemade peanut sauce, the recipe is below but the "serving size" is for my pad thai, I only…
  • That's what I wear for running too. Plus I have an older pair I use for walking or circuit training. For heavy lifting I wear Inov-8s for the wider toe box.
  • This for sure. I grew up thinking being groped/harassed by creepy men/boys was a part of life as a woman. Until I got older and realized I didn't have to just accept anything, and I learned how to better protect myself. Self defense classes help, but I've found the most effective method is usually to get loud. I'm not a…
  • I love roller skating, it's one of my favorite activities. I actually only learned how to skate a few years ago, and was taught at Roller Derby practice. Trial by fire. Unfortunately, I moved and didn't find the new cities roller derby team anywhere near as welcoming so I gave that up. Plus the nearest rink is 45 minutes…
  • I often eat protein bars in maintenance. I also ate them when I was trying to lose, and when I was trying to gain. I prep out my lunches and dinners, but for whatever reason I suck at putting together breakfast. If it weren't for the bars I'd pretty much always skip breakfast, and then the rest of my day would be a…
  • It honestly never occurred to me that anyone would hide their weight from anyone, let alone their spouse, until a friend recently told me her partner refused to tell her how much she weighed. We talked about it quite a bit because my friend and I are both on the same page, and wouldn't think twice about sharing that…
  • Yes! My household is obsessed with peanut butter pretzels. We eat a stupid amount of them, a common lunch for me on the weekends may or may not consist solely of peanut butter pretzels and beer.
  • A milkshake with cookies and fudge, I can fit most things in my calorie limits, but doubtful I could bank enough for one of these.
  • I followed the "Eat to Live" plan for a while a few years ago, mainly because it was a plan I wouldn't have to adapt too much as a vegetarian. I think there is some good information there, but it was not something I wanted to maintain. I now view it as a stepping stone in understanding how to create nutrient dense meals,…
  • Mine is 5# as well. Within 5# I know it's just a normal fluctuation, but anything greater (in either direction) means I need to either reduce or add calories and consider re-adjusting if I feel that it's no longer aligning with my actual TDEE.
  • As far as weight related, it was cream and sugar in my coffee. I used to drink a little coffee with my creamer, 3-4 cups a day. When I realized how many calories I was drinking I decided to give it up. Actually went cold-turkey with black coffee, took a bit to acquire a taste for it but my stomach issues cleared up…
  • As long as there's variety to the workout you should be fine with a 5/2. I generally do 4 high intensity sessions, one medium intensity workout, and one very low intensity (mat pilates or yoga, which I consider an "active rest" day) workout every week. It's been working really well for me, but I have had little breaks here…
  • Sounds like a fun way to use the little candy molds I was gifted last year, thanks for sharing the idea!
  • I believe it's very reasonable to say "you have to be careful" however you've posted 7 comments now on the same thread calling it "dumb," suggested that CrossFit members weren't leaders, and on multiple occasions insinuated that it inherently dangerous, to the point of dialysis. Riding a bike can be dangerous, cyclist get…
    in Crossfit Comment by saragd012 July 2018
  • Seriously, don't let the bickering scare you off. People here can have very strong opinions about what workout routine is "best" but who's to say their goals are anywhere similar to yours. From my experience, introductions are very slow and careful explanations/demonstrations of the major lifts. No pukie. My gym did 3 hour…
    in Crossfit Comment by saragd012 July 2018
  • I struggled for a long while with knowing when to stop. I lean out pretty easily, as I'm more inclined to under-eat than over-eat. So without clear goals I'm either soft and chubby from eating all the cookies and brownies, or I'm soft and walking the line towards underweight. What helps me is establishing clear goals that…
  • It took me a really long time to finally talk myself into joining crossfit. It is a good deal of money, and I heard constantly about how "dangerous" it is. I went to check out one place and they immediately wanted me to commit to weight/body fat goals that I felt was irresponsible and wouldn't be healthy for me, given that…
    in Crossfit Comment by saragd012 July 2018
  • I love vegetables, but no way I'd be interested in eating them boiled. My mom used to over-boil all vegetables when I was a kid, they usually tasted pretty terrible. Now I usually roast my veggies in the oven, I really like a bit of char as a pp mentioned. I usually will roast 3-5 different vegetables and a few cloves of…
  • I went from a size 10 to a 2/4 a few years ago. Along the way I mostly shopped at thrift stores, or at discount retailers and tried to focus on items that would still work as I lost weight. Some nicer brand items (such as my Calvin Klein sheath dresses) still fall pretty well on me from when I was a size 6, not quite as…