I ruin my diet when I'm upset . Plus when have one alcoholic drink makes me crave bad things lol :(
thats not rude, its your choice lol Its not like none of you ate . Why force feed yourself , thats how weight problems happen ? I think you shouldnt have to eat nothing inless you want to. what happend to free will ??
thats so harsh :( erm I would go to your gp because thats not right ..all that exercise should be toning u . some people have strange metabilsms , you might be harming yourself without realizing . Im not an expert , just saw the post and felt bad x
Live for nothing or die for something *RamBO *
ELton John I'm still standing lol :)
4 :)
probly couldnt stomach that lol
I shake all the time so if anyone does have any sugggestions bring them this way. :)
lol u legend x
He sounds most he encouraging towards anything else in your life? I eat with my brother when I do I no its very tempting . Keep your chin up x :)
hey buddy =] You can do this xxx
i would say your dieting because then he will no, your saying no for a good reason. I would talk about it, so he will no how important it is to you. xx
He doesn't deserve you, someone who would do that to there wife and children is not worth it. You deserve more! x