

  • I have done the yoyo with the years ago i weighted over 380 pounds i am tall, but it didn't help, i could barely move or breath....i have plenty of health issues as can't look at the end result but take one day at a time....that's what i have done...i am now at 168....i have been up to 280 once…
  • I have always found that drinking a glass or two of water before i eat helps, and also making sure that you take at least twenty minutes to eat a takes the brain twenty minutes to register to the stomach that it's can be hard because if you have kids or work, you are always in a rush....i even tried…
  • I have been a type 2 diabetic since 2005, my sugars were so high that i had taken a seizure when i found out i was one...i was on insulin for years and worked hard at getting off that and on to the meds. You can add me as well and i will help you out as much as i can....the main thing that has worked for me is keeping a…