amarie35 Member


  • I SO agree!!!!! :laugh:
  • Well for me, I wasn't getting mad, but I admit, I was getting a little defensive. I'm just glad you explained the situation better. :happy:
  • I have a lot of food enemies. But I think sweets is my worst one. I can't live w/out em, especially if there chocolate. It can be chocolate candy, chocolate ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate cereal, you name, if it's chocolate, I'll be eating it! LOL! :bigsmile:
  • Great looking ticker...WOW, 93 pouns lost! That's awesome! You have a beautiful smile!
  • Also, you may need to take in more carbs before your workout. The carbs will give you the energy you need to complete your workout.
  • You're probably not taking in enough oxygen when working out. I have the same problem. It's normal & nothing to really worry about. Just try to focus more on your breathing when you are strength training.
  • BUMP!! I have the same problem & I'm curious as to what others will say. I've heard before that if you're doing a lot of strength training you're suppose to eat 1 gram of protein for every pound that you weigh. But that sounds a way too high in my opinion. I think that may be for heavy body builders.
  • Well, as far as the candlelight dinner goes, it would be nice and romantic if we had the house to ourselves. But w/ 3 kids running around, the'd be no romance there. We don't bowl and if we were to go dancing, I'd end up drinking a couple of drinks. LOL! The movies sounds good but everytime we go to the movies, my hubby…
  • GREAT idea!! I'm in. Thursday will be my only downfall. My hubby & I go out to eat every Thursday; it's our date night aka our night out away from the kids. LOL! But, I will try my very best to talk him into eating @ home next Thursday. :bigsmile:
  • Read a book or watch a movie. Either that or go to the store and buy some healthy snacks, that way if you do over do it, you will be over doing it on something that is actually good for you.
  • Long distance running takes time. You need to build yourself up to it. Below is a link to the couch to 5k program. It's a 4 month program that tells you how much to walk/run each day. If you stick w/ the program, w/in 4 months, you should be able to run a 5k…
  • I'm 5'8.5" & my weight before MFP was 158 lbs. Now my weight fluctuates anywhere between 127 & 133 lbs. My original goal was 135 lbs; I knew I could get down to @ least that weight because that's the weight I had been for the majority of my entire adult life. Now all I need to do is TONE TONE TONE!!! ★ Good luck in your…
  • I too am crazy about cheese. Homemade mac-n-cheese is one of my favorite cheesy dishes. I even add extra pepper jack cheese to my macaroni to give it that extra spice & YUMMY cheesy taste. =)
  • You my dear, look absolutely AMAZING!! :) GR8 job!
  • Well, if you're not wanting to drive that far, other than Gatlingburg or Pigeon Forge, I don't really know any suggestions. How about Memphis TN? It is a great place to visit, that is if you like Elvis. Good luck finding a close & fun place to vacay! =)
  • LMBO! Hurry up & don't forget to weigh! :bigsmile:
  • Welcome back & good luck in reaching your goals. =)
  • WOW! That was VERY well said & SO true. I don't think the so called 'jealous ones' actually have any idea how hard we work or how hard we have worked to get to where we are. For instance, some tell me that they want to lose but their actions speak much louder than their words. I mean, they don't seem to want to do anything…
  • This may sound crazy but, I try to eat a little before & after. I'll have something w/ carbs before (to give me the energy to do my workouts) and I'll have some more carbs afterwards (to replenish my body). If I'm doing strength training & weight lifting, I'll eat carbs & protein after my workout (4 carbs to 1 protein).
  • That's the one thing I hate dropping sizes in. I wish there was some way to go down 2 pant sizes & go up 2 bra sizes @ the same time. That would be TOTALLY awesome! :drinker: But you seem to be very happy & I'm happy for you. Congrats! :happy:
  • I didn't find your reply rude either. You were just giving your opinion & by posting the link, you were giving others the opportunity to read some of what you have found in your research. Unfortunately, because of all the fruit I eat, I know I go way over my sugar everyday. But still, I'd rather go over my sugar by eating…
  • Thanks. I think I will do just that. I did just find for the first 30 years of my life w/out MFP. I just recently gained because of the sedentary lifestyle I had to acquire for a few years. I don't think 1 week of not logging will hurt me. I may not lose anything, but that's fine. I really only want to maintain. And if I…
  • Hello & welcome to MFP! Good luck in your weight loss journey.
  • :bigsmile: Hello & welcome to MFP. Good luck in your journey. Friend request sent!
  • Hello & welcome. My name is Angela & I've been a MFP member since January. I hope you find this site as helpful in your weigh loss journey as I have. If your in need of support & motivation, add me. Good luck in reaching your goals!
  • :flowerforyou: hello & welcome to MFP. I know what you mean. I have a 6 yr old & I am still trying to lose that little lower pudge of belly fat. Good luck in reaching your weight loss goals. If you need a friend for support or motivation, feel free to add me! :happy:
    in hello =] Comment by amarie35 July 2011
  • Thank GOD I'm married to one of the hubbies out there who actually does get it. True he does get on to me for worrying so much about my sodium intake. He says since I run & workout as much as I do, I sweat a lot of my sodium out & he doesn't agree w/ MFP for not allowing more of a sodium intake on the days I run 5 or 6…
  • YES! Reeses are by far my favorite candy. I like the ones w/ the peanuts....YUMMY!!! =)
  • I've never been a size 0 and to be honest, I don't think I would like to be that small. Although, I would like to one day be able to wear size 5. But, who knows, that may even be too skinny of a size for me. I'm 5'9" and my measurements are 36-27-36 & I wear sizes 6-8. =)