

  • hey pretty much in the same boat as you. iv had two boys one this year in January. I was okay when I was pregnant but after I had my sons I put the weight on quicker than you could ever imagine. my diary is always open so feel free to add me. as my worst habbit is eating at night. so need a desperate kick up the bum.…
  • im in pretty much the same boat. I have a tendency to eat bad especially at night and need a kick up the bum feel free to add me as my diary is open. Hannah x
    in Hi all! Comment by pinkz1988 June 2013
  • hey iv been on here for a week and aiming to get some help and support. iv had two boys ones 4 and the other is 20 weeks. feel free to add me my diary is always open to view. x :smile:
    in New here! Comment by pinkz1988 June 2013
  • hey iv been exactly the same and need support as dont have alot of get up and go shall we say. add me as a friend if you wish my diary is always open available to view. x:smile: