

  • OMG. My boyfriend could not say that as I have pretty little boobs lol. But I totally know what you mean! I use it to motivate myself too and I'm thinking that when she'll see me next time, she will notice the difference ! Thank you for sharing, feeling less lonely :).
  • Congrats for your wieghtloss, really, you inspire me !! I will no longer put salt in my meals and try to stop pepsi/coke, thank you for the advice!
  • Thank you, it's motivating to see that I'm not the only one with this problem... I did't understand her comment and why she said that, but I'm not letting this bring me down, I'm really going to lose weight this time! :) Thank you for your support!
  • I know, since she said that, I just feel that I have to prove that she's wrong and that I'm not this person. But it's a long term work, and patience is not my first quality... but really, this website and all of you people help me A LOT! :)
  • I reduced a lot of bread/dairy products (which I totally love unfortunatly) but I'm taking greek yogurt and soya milk now, and trying to eat 1200 cal/day. :). I'm doing 30-40 mins of walking everyday (at least trying to) and I'm going to start weight training next week. I'm changing my habits slowly because I tried so many…