

  • SAIL by AWOLnation!
  • My mother does it, and I have tried as well. I can feel it a little, as far as exertion goes, so I suppose the answer might be that it just depends on how hard you work yourself while doing it, and how long you go. :) I think regular running will still of course burn more, but I live in Florida, and it's way easier to…
  • Well, I'm about similar to you. I am 5'8", and only about 15 pounds over my target range. (130-140 is what I have been all my life, eating whatever I want. Starting at the beginning of this year I suddenly shot up to 158, and have been working to get back down ever since.) I don't know about you, but I live a sedentary…
  • Nooooooo, you're a liar and a dream-spoiler! You just had to say it, didn't you?? ;)
  • Agreed, reading has always been my most favorite of favorite things to do. X3 <3
  • Haha, nice!! XD
  • I just want to say... I'm so happy that (I'm pretty sure) no one said anything by Ernest Hemingway. I don't care how much critics say his works are wonderful, I dislike every single one of his short stories and books. >___> *lol*
  • I don't know why I forgot The Hobbit. X3 Definitely an amazing book, and one of my first as well! My mother read it to me and my brother to go to sleep.
  • I had to read a lot of books like Great Expectations and P&P in my literature classes... some I had a better time with than others. The thing is, a lot of them are just plain depressing. I can find agonizingly depressing things without a book. *lol* Sci-fi and Fantasy are definitely my tops as well. <3
  • Agreed! ^____^
  • Haha, so many people consider genre books not as smart as classical literature. But it's so much more fun. ;)
  • So, I have a Creative Writing B.A. and took many literature classes, but besides a serious literary ones like Jane Eyre and short stories like The Story of an Hour and The Lottery, my favorite books are adventure and fantasy! Whoo! XD Haha, but as for the ones that made it to my heart first... Sweet Valley High, Boxcar…
  • What everyone else said... and sometimes dubstep hits you good. ;D