jlahorn Member


  • I am one of those people who hates to have foods in the house that are delicious/high calorie/low nutritional value. I exercise self control most effectively by not buying these things at all. Luckily, my husband is completely on board with this. When I have these foods in the house, I can and do resist eating them…
  • My 5-year-old One was always way off if I was doing specific activities, specifically hiking and cardio classes on the second floor of a building, for some reason. However, I've had used a Charge HR and a Surge over the last few years, and they've both been really accurate.
  • Once upon a time, there was a girl. She was cute, smart, funny, and a healthy weight - not super thin, not super muscular, but with nice curves. She started dating a cute, smart, funny guy, but after about 6 months, he started telling her (mostly after he'd had a few drinks) that he thought she'd be hotter if she were more…
  • Yeah, I can't keep nut butters in the house. "Exercise self control!", chide the holier-than-thous. I exercise self control by not buying the nut butters to begin with. I do keep PB2 in the house for when I need peanut flavor in a recipe, but I won't eat half a jar of that with a spoon. Tried it, too dry :D I've been…
  • If you have old-style metal or plastic trash cans, then I kind of sympathize with your stepson. I definitely remember hating that chore with a violent passion, and I'm sure there were times when I just gave up wrestling with the fricking lid in the cold/heat/rain and just left the bag on the ground. The handle is always…
  • My husband of 15 years claims to not care what weight I am - I've gone up and down over the years. I think his statement is as true as it can possibly be -- he loves me no matter what, which is amazing :) -- but I don't really believe that he's as proud to be seen with me when I am heavy as he is when I'm fit. He doesn't…
  • That's definitely not a universal truth - my instructors roll straight from song to song with no breaks 95% of the time. Some of them even do an audio fade. Regardless, the main point is true - Zumba is not steady-state cardio, which is what HRMs were designed for. I still think my FitBit Charge does a better job of…
  • I'm guessing this was at Jemaa el Fna in Marrakech? I was there with a guide who told us not to let people put the snakes on us unless we were willing to pay them a few dirhams to do so. The (unspoken) deal is that if you let them put a snake on you and you spend any time, you're supposed to tip. I'm guessing that fight…
    in Snakes Comment by jlahorn December 2015
  • I'm a 42-year-old woman with a successful career and a happy marriage. I haven't stopped gaming since I first picked up Zork. More recently, I haven't stopped playing Fallout 4 in my spare time since launch day :D Games are fantastic entertainment. Why would it *NOT* be ok?
  • Audiobooks + Ingress does it for me. Gives me places to specifically walk to for a reason and entertains me along the way :) https://www.ingress.com/
  • I did and still do think about the environmental affects of my actions and try to make responsible choices. I've driven a hybrid for years, I buy local, I use Energy Star appliances, I compost, I recycle, I carry a reusable water bottle, all my bulbs were CFLs until LEDs were available and now we switch over, and I'm…
  • Real bone density tests are done using x-rays and ultrasounds. I wouldn't trust a machine at Walmart to tell me whether I'm breathing or not.
  • It's polite to celebrate success. It's rude to point out failure. You won't have many friends if you spend your time saying hurtful things. Do you think people don't know they've gained weight, so somebody should point it out to them? If so, I believe you are mistaken :) You can think things all you like - wow, your kid…
  • 99.9% of people could not give less of a &*^% about your fitness success/goals. It's a boring topic unless it's something the other person is also actively working on. For those people who do actively inquire, be modest about your success and make sure you ask them how it's going for them. Then give NO ADVICE unless they…
  • Better than baggies... Those inexpensive "disposable" tupperware actually last forever, and if you store it in those, you have an instant bowl. You save money over time, waste less plastic, and have an added convenience :)
  • My entire successful 20-year career started when I was offered a job interview because a someone found me attractive. I didn't know this until after I'd been in the job for about 2 years. I passed the interview on my own merits, but I never would have gotten in the door if I hadn't been cute and (and smart and had a good…
  • Oh my god, that's so creepy... ... and I can totally visualize my dad saying the same thing. Gross :/
  • Zumba has been fantastic for my core and aerobic step does lovely things for my thighs and glutes :) Both of these can be done at home -- I step while watching movies.
  • The above posters are correct about the behaviors of HRMs and what the "fat burning zone" means, but the basic answer to your questions is no, you are registering an unusually high heart rate for being mostly sedentary. It could be a problem with your device or its calibration, or you might have a genuinely high heart rate…
  • I mix it into pad thai (which I make with shiritaki noodles) to make it more peanutty without adding a ton more calories.
  • I have a desk job. I usually get 5-6k at work. Then I go to the gym and do a Zumba class and hit ~11k. Go home, do some light chores, maybe go for a 30-minute walk with my husband... I usually break 14k. It doesn't feel like a lot of effort.
  • Re: the x-ray I have chronic lower back problems, all around intense muscle spasms that can last for weeks. Once, I tripped over something and my back went out so badly that I thought maybe I'd done some real damage. Went to the hostpital, got x-rays. As usual, it was just spasms, but they spasms were so bad that you could…
  • The way to do this with a lighter object is to weigh yourself, then pick up, say, a 2 lb weight, and make sure that the scale goes up by 2 lbs.
  • I'm hypo. I lost by eating fewer calories than I was burning. Weigh, measure, and track your food. Find what calorie deficit works for you, which may or may not be a more significant deficit than it would be if you had a healthy thyroid. That's really all there is to it.
  • I'm ok working out at home as long as I have a ton of energy, but when I'm tired, I slack off. With the same amout of fatigue, if I go to the gym instead, I work way harder because I know people are watching. In fact, I deliberately stand at the front of group classes because I work harder if I know more people can see me.…
  • I'm with you. I've been at least slightly hungry for about 3 years, except for the days or weeks when I just can't take it anymore and say, "Screw it, I want a goddamn cheeseburger AND fries AND TWO, yes, TWO delicious beers." (That's all my calories for the day). I've tried more protein, I've tried more fat, I've tried…
  • I think you're working with some old/bad information about dietary cholesterol. Whole eggs are probably just fine for you. http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/cholesterol-food
  • http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/special-snowflake