

  • I went to this doctor, like i stated earlier to figure out the levels of necessary vitamins in my system. Through my blood tests it was found that my B12 was at 169 when it should be greater than or equal to 800. That is extremely low. One of the functions of B12 is supporting a healthy immune system. Along with being so…
  • While I appreciate everyones input and it has made me look more closely at what my doctor has told me, I am allowed to believe what I believe, regardless of whether it is a "holistic" approach or not. I have been suffering from painful bloating since early June and this doctor was the third doctor I saw for it and the only…
  • I just read this article and was wondering if you actually read the whole thing or stopped at the title and decided to share? Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes you can make, especially when trying to prove a point. This article is about the fact that chronic candidiasis and the claim that it can have an effect on your…
  • What qualifications? As in did she go to medical school? Does she have an M.D.... Yes she has all of those. I saw her because I was feeling lethargic, tired, moody, poor concentration and bloated and wanted to know if it was a result of me going off my anti anxiety medication lexapro. Instead of just sending me home with…
  • Thank you!! My doctor mentioned some of what you did as well. Thanks for actually believing me unlike many people posting on this... Thank you very much for the suggestions!
  • Okay I guess I should not have mentioned her mention of "leaky gut syndrome" because this is NOT MY DIAGNOSIS and not my point of this post!! My diagnosis is candida overgrowth in my gut which means that feeding the yeast in my gut with sugary foods will only make it continue to grow and get worse. I posted this to get…
  • No, no meats at all! And no fish. Yeah I'm sure I can still eat SOME carbs, like those found in vegetables. I think I just have to stay away from the real sugary carbs which would only increase the yeast growth. Thanks!!
  • Yeah I saw this too! And yes I do have these symptoms which lead to that blood test in the first place. The no carbs and no sugar do not have to do with the leaky gut. Cutting out carbs and mainly sugars is to stop overgrowth of yeast (yeast loves sugar!). Leaky gut can (or what doctors think can) be caused by too much…
  • Yeah I saw this too! And yes I do have these symptoms which lead to that blood test in the first place. The no carbs and no sugar do not have to do with the leaky gut. Cutting out carbs and mainly sugars is to stop overgrowth of yeast (yeast loves sugar!). Leaky gut can (or what doctors think can) be caused by too much…
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