luckynky Member


  • Thank you-- I think your choice of words seems very helpful. I do have a 20 lb bell, but I found that to be a bit much for anything other than two handed swings and round the worlds at this point.
  • kbellqueen is Lauren Brooks. She actually has what seems to be a good video on how to do the clean without hitting your arms, but for some reason, I just can't see exactly what she's doing right that I'm doing wrong. I don't know if it's the angle or that she goes so fast.
  • It's 10 lbs. The kettlebell is swinging around, then lands into my bicep. I actually now have a nice bruise on the left one. Part of this problem is that it's nearly impossible to describe anything like kettlebell movements with words and be precise. :(
  • Don't be too aggressive or you will fail. And you may damage your metabolism over time. I also do agree with cottage cheese, or tuna is another lean protein. Remember, the more you exercise, the more you can eat. ;)
  • I like doughnuts, which are made out of dough. Donut is not right. It's "do" "nut". That makes no sense.
  • I recntly started doing 20 'bell workouts about 3 times a week, and I do one hour of Zumba 3 times a week. I just bought my 10 lb. kettlebell for halos and arm work, going to use the 20 lb for round-the-world and swings. Now that I have the lower weight 'bell, I will bump up my workouts to a 30 minute routine 3-4 times a…
    in Anyone? Comment by luckynky August 2013
  • We do a lot of beans- Mexican rice and beans (use pinto or black beans, add some Mexican seasonings, tomatoes, chili peppers if you like, etc, top with cheese, sour cream, and salsa), bean burritos with sauteed peppers and onions, southwestern pasta with black beans (bow-tie pasta, taco seasoning, some reduced fat sour…
  • Thank you, ItsCasey. It's not really what I wanted to hear, but I trust you know what you're saying (by the looks of your pic). ;) Goodbye smooth hands. Hello pain.
  • Really good article. As a newbie, I'm so glad I didn't learn the "American" swing first. And I don't understand how CF trainers have a leg to stand on in the argument that their way is good and correct-- it just seems unnatural when you look at the anatomy in motion.
  • I just joined this group and started doing kettlebell workouts very recently. I am doing the beginner Fitness Blender workout, minus the halos because I need a lighter weight, and also purchased Sarah Lurie's 4 DVD set, which I have only viewed a small portion of. I went to a kettlebell gym right by my house and did an…
    in Anyone? Comment by luckynky August 2013
  • There is no other explanation. LMAO.
  • PMS is real. Hormones are real, just because we can't see them doesn't make them not there. When you get older and grow chin hair and the hair on your head starts to thin, you realize that hormones ARE real. Guys should know that. They are also prone to giving in to their hormones. That is why they are like dogs when they…
  • I hate shoes and will go barefoot whenever and wherever I can get away with it. Feet are no more gross than hands. Do you think feet are gross when you're at the beach or the pool? They don't change physiologically when they're anywhere else. It's funny what the mind can do-- create issues where there really aren't any.…
  • Would love to get one or two. Where do you get yours from?
  • 3 lbs in 2 weeks is really not far off. I agree with others-- weigh/measure your food so that you can be precise. Drink LOTS of water. Some people frown on this, but I do not eat all of my exercise calories back (actually, I'm doing a different method, which averages out calories over the week instead of the yo-yo eating…
  • I love how people say that someone's personal experience doesn't mean anything. What is scientific "proof"? Where do you think all those warnings come from on pharmaceuticals products (on any products, for that matter)? From individual experiences. A bunch of individual experiences are tallied up to provide "proof". My…
  • If you want to impress her, find out what type of cuisine is her favorite, then find a recipe, maybe from that has very high ratings that looks like something you could pull off. Not only would your cooking abilities be impressive, but the fact that you listened to what she said about what she likes would be…
  • I'm a vegetarian and I have no issue meeting my protein goals. I tend to get right up to protein or even go over, but still have plenty of carbs left. Beans, bro. Also, cheese, tuna, eggs, peanut butter (I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian with occasional seafood consumption).
  • I'm agreeing with you. I am vegetarian and still do some dairy, but I drink mostly almond milk. I have no problem with humans consuming dairy products, in general. But the industry is terrible and people over-consume milk. Goat's milk is actually much better for you than cow's, and more like human milk (I can't remember,…
  • Ice cream. Now I make my own using frozen bananas. I add stuff into it, depending what I'm in the mood for (blueberries, unsweetened cocoa powder, a bit of natural peanut butter, etc). I actually like this stuff just as well, except that I will have to have the real stuff when I'm in the mood for mint chocolate chip.
  • I had a tummy tuck a few years before getting pregnant with my third child at 37 (I know, right). I went to a really great surgeon, but I have some regrets. For one thing, I do not like the scar around my bellybutton, and the top above my bellybutton sticks out a little (sort of like a bit of a hood). I also have…
  • I like compression bras. The ones I bought from Target (Champion brand) are great. But I'm only a B cup, so my advice probably won't work for you.
  • I think everyone is different. I think there are a LOT of people who are very sensitive to sugar. I am. And I believe that all calories are NOT equal across the board. Some people don't seem to be affected, while some are greatly affected. Do I have scientific proof and/or am I a scientist? No. But I am hypoglycemic and…
  • I would say that there may be something more than jealousy at work here. You are upsetting your sister's idea of a fixed reality. I don't know how old you guys are, but if you're middle aged or older, your sister has lived a long time with this idea of "how things are" regarding what you both look like in comparison to…
  • Love: 1. Vegetables-- any of them except radishes, kale, and hot peppers 2. Kalamata olives 3. Cheese (especially goat cheese and feta) 4. Belgian beer 5. Good quality dark chocolate Hate: 1. Meat, especially sausage, hot dogs, bologna (makes me gag, even before I was a vegetarian) 2. Doritos 3. Canned spinach 4. Canned…
  • Love this part.
  • If you're a stress eater, is there something healthier that you can replace that habit with? Maybe even burning off the stress at the gym? Or learning to do meditation or taking up a new hobby of some sort? Even just getting out of the house and going for a brisk walk when you feel the urge to grab some snack would be…
  • When your son is about to turn 18. When, not only do you have a few chin hairs, but at least one of them is gray. When you can remember the first "cell" phones, but they were called "car phones" and had a cord connected to them. When you used to watch t.v. by adjusting the rabbit ears and turning the dials.
  • So awesome- great progress! And this is EXACTLY what I wanted and needed to hear, since I'm pushing 40 and just started riding on the fitness wagon! Thanks for the inspiration!