

  • Trying to make the OP sound stupid? Look in a mirror. You need hold on only 30 seconds to get a heart rate. What's the remaining 29 minutes holding on for? Oh, that's right: The machine keeps telling the user to hold on for heart rate. I forgot, people let machines do their thinking for them.
  • And stop comparing holding onto a staircase railing at your house or on the job with holding onto a treadmill. When you use a treadmill, it's NOT to get from one point in space to another. It's for exercise. When I put my hands on the staircase railing, it doesn't matter because it's NOT my workout! The staircase is just…
  • WHAT?????? Since when don't I have the option to change my stride length or pace if I'm walking outside? Say WHAT? You can tell a lot about a person's intelligence by how they use a treadmill. Those who are legally blind are excused.
  • Balance my foot. I've seen the same people who hold onto a treadmill then do crazy yoga positions that require a heck of a lot more balance, and other routines on one leg, etc. No, they're just ignoramuses who think gripping on a bar is the same thing as real walking. Line up all the treadmill holders. I'd say less than 5…
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