

  • Gina. Good luck with your diet. I don't really focus on cholesterol. I'm trying to work on calories and carbs mostly. I have a hard time with exercise. I have a Wii fit and that seems to help. I can do like 10 minutes at a time and nobody has to see me looking like a fool (except my kids).
  • Check your thyroid levels
  • Congratulations guys! I'm so happy to hear that you took that first step in improving your lives. It's a struggle that I've watched my mother go through but it's definitely worth it. Addiction is a hard habit to break. Good luck with your new diets!
  • Congrats on the new baby! I hate those labels of obesity. My doctor said the same thing, and all it did was piss me off :smile: With my first I gained about 25 lbs, lost some, then with my second i gained about 35 lbs. I didn't lose much after him though :mad: Good luck with your new diet! It's definitely not easy with…
  • Hi! I"m in the same boat, only my husband doesn't need to lose weight so he just eats crap all the time. He even offers me cakes and icecream when he knows what I'm trying to do! I think he's getting the point now, but it's still very hard! This website has really helped me so far. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Hi Sabrina, I log daily but I'm pretty new at this. About 2 weeks in. On a side note, the conference room across from my desk has a huge box of brownies, cookies the size of your face and chocolate cupcakes that are calling my name.. and I"m eating celery...
  • :laugh: I was trying to not give out too much info in my description of what happened to me, but Louise hit the nail on the head with that one!!
  • My problem is chocolate and candy... and rice! I'm trying to work on portion control and no sweets. It's definitely NOT easy! Now when I log in my calories I'm so surprised with how much I was eating before, even when I thought I was being good. I tried South Beach diet before and lost weight but the no carbs made me feel…
  • Glad to see other moms in the same boat!! Mom to a 2 and 4 year old :smile:
  • I tried slimfast in the past but felt like the noises coming from my stomach afterwards wasn't worth it!! It also made me feel bloated. How has it been for you so far?
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