

  • WTG! I've pretty much given up Pepsi. Will have one occasionally but not 2-3 a day like I used to. I've cut out white carbs and switched to whole wheat. I've cut out a lot of processed foods and have started cooking from scratch more. I've cut out snacks like hoho's and cookies. I snack on fruit and healthier stuff now.…
  • We all have to start somewhere! It won't ever change if you don't do something about it. So just start now on making a healthier you and you will get there!
  • Here's an article for ya. Hershey's Special Dark only has about 45% cocoa so while it is better than milk chocolate a higher percentage is still preferred by most.
  • You da man! Looking great good job :)
  • I don't have many because I'm the same and am usually the picture taker because I hate pics of myself but here is one that got tagged on FB from a get together back in April. Yes I untagged myself in the pic.... It's a tad blurry but you can see how big I am. Working on changing that though! You are looking great! Keep up…
  • Do you have a weight or anything at home you can weigh to see if your scale is accurate? I think mine is pretty accurate when i went to the doctors their scale was 4# heavier. When I weigh at home it's first thing in the morning, in the buff after going to the bathroom. At the doctors it was late in the afternoon wearing…
  • Mine's open to friends and yes I do cook pretty much every dinner at least. I try to make healthier versions of things I have made in the past. I just learned the recipe feature so I have just started creating my own recipes so now instead of seeing just all the ingredients listed and guessing to what I have made you can…
  • They shoud have nutrition info on their website. Google it and see what you like and what the numbers are. I have started trying to google all the restaurants I go to before I go to them so I don't make too bad of choices.
  • 6/28 Friday checkin: Starting weight: 280 Goal weight: 275 I weigh on Fridays: 05/31 - 280 06/04 - 277 06/14 - 275 06/21 - 273.8 06/28 - 271.0 9 pounds my first month! Makes me hopefull that I can really do this.
  • You can add me if you'd like. I have at least 130# to lose. It's going to be a long journey but I know we can do it!
  • My problems are opposite. I'm on the pill yet I have been spotting for the past 3 weeks. I think it's finally starting to get back to normal (of course right b4 I get my period). I'm not an expert at anything but I'm willing to say especially being so young and only eating 1000 calories was not helping and probably…
  • Sorry to hear you are getting no support at home. I'm glad you joined here, there are many supportive people here and I wish you all the best in your weight lose!
  • I've never done WW but my sis told me she did and lost 30# on it. But then gained it back after quitting. Kinda seems like a re-occuring problem here to me. I've just started MFP and am losing weight slowly but steadily.
  • I use splenda and sugar free creamers. The one i have is 20 cal and 2 carbs per Tbs. I only drink 1 cup a day ... I'm sure if you have 5 it probably adds up. Don't know what your limits are.
  • Hi Chloe! I have 120# to lose feel free to add me :) Soda has been rough for me too ... Love my Pepsi *sigh*
  • I've just started my journey and can never have enough friends! I'll add ya if you don't mind.
  • Fantastic! You look great. And I so love how your stomach flab seems to be shrinking in. I really hope mine does that lol WTG!
  • I preapre scrambled eggs the night before. Mix two eggs with a bit of milk and add whatever veggies and cheese i want. I put it in a tupperware container and then microwave it when I get to work. I usually need to do it for 3 min stiring every 1 min. I eat that along with a banana at 7:30ish (though I eat the banana…
  • I'm sure that's from the people who are scared to eat any carbs. I have been eating a banana and a apple or peach or other type of fruit every day for the past month and I've lost almost 10#. I did cut white flour noodles / rice /bread and potatoes from my diet and switched to whole wheat.
  • I'm still getting Coldstone for my b-day, dammit! But not a PB shake.. ewwww...
  • Wrap like this: Not too much longer but a bit. The challenge is getting the bf and 16 year to re-wrap it when they take a banana. lol
  • In my early 20's I tried the Atkin's diet. Yes, I lost some weight. Yes, I gained it all back plus some especially having another kid and all. This time I'm going for a lifestyle change. I did cut out most white flour products and starches and you know what? I'm really not missing potatoes. Will I have some pizza…
  • I'm going through the same thing! My BF is wanting to lose weight as well but he is not being near as strict in his diet as I am. Also he has bad knees so he doesn't really exercise much at all (unless i make him take a mile walk with me when it's not too hot outside). And he is losing weight just as fast as I am. So…
  • Haha I have to agree. I love my bananas. I eat one every weekday morning with 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast and it keeps me full until just before lunch. I try to always buy a pretty ripe bunch and a pretty green bunch. I'm not the only one in my house that eats them. By the time the first set are gone the 2nd set are…
  • That is so great! WTG!!
    in So Happy Comment by Kristy7418 June 2013
  • <~~~~ gamer though play free Kabam games right now it's Wartunes
  • Hello, I don't have any success stories to share because I've only been doing this site for about a month but if you'd like support and to learn together please feel free to add me. We have about the same amount of weight to lose.
  • Fairly new on this site and I would like to try it!
  • If I had your bod I'd wear a bikni to work! ;)
  • I'm not skinny *yet* but have just started eating healthy the past month. I had a very similar diet as you. I have basically cut out all white flour and potatoes and most processed foods. I'm learning to cook from scratch. My old breakfast: bagel with cream cheese vs my new breakfast: two scrambled eggs with veggies and…