Thanks guys for the great ideas!
Do you know how many oz of the chicken it takes?
I sent you a request as well! I love the motivational support on here, and more friends are always welcome!
Hollybear is my pug. 1280 is my birthday. I came up with this one about 6 years ago. Sometimes I give props to the other pug and I'll use abigail1280
Currently 16/18 Goal - 8 Fantasy - 4 (I can't even imagine being a 4)
I live in Hubert as well!
Hi everyone! I was diagnosed with PCOS in April of '09. DH and I started ttc in November of '07 with no success. I finally managed to get pregnant with Clomid in July of '07 and miscarried in Sept. It was very hard on me (I knew I was going to miscarry for almost 2 weeks before I did) and DH decided he didn't want kids any…
I've been doing WW, and I joined this site today. It's interesting to see what everyone has to say, and the comparisons between the two.
Hey all, I am! Just joined this site today. I'm trying to lose weight to combat my PCOS, then wanna start ttc. I tried for 2 years, 2007 - 2009 with no luck, so I'm hoping if I lose some, I can do it without fertility treatments.