neweuquol Member


  • The fathead dough makes a decent calzone so I do not see why not.
  • I am doing this for cancer treatment/recovery. I am worried about excess protein being converted to glucose. Trying to starve cancer cells by severely limiting glucose.
  • I ate my 3 meals today and I am busting at the seams. I do not understand how people can eat 5000 calories in a day and not explode. I am not even close to my macros and since I am definitely not in the market to lose weight (5'10, 135# male) I need to tweak this more. Today was 1236 calories, 88 grams fat (69%), 74 grams…
  • I cooked what I planned a few times. I didn't plan for the chicken to not defrost. I'm being saved by a can of salmon I have. Making "salmon cakes"
  • Are you looking to go keto or just lower carb? There is a keto calculator at to determine your macros. For me it gave the calories needed and the grams of fat, carbs, and protein needed to meet my goals.
  • I'm starting keto tomorrow so feel free to add me. I hope I can be creative and eat a variety of food.
  • I have been on chemo for a little over a year and regimen after regimen has failed. However, my bone marrow doesn't seem to stay down for very long. My WBC always rebounds to normal after each cycle and I have only needed one blood transfusion when I was told I was need dozens by now. My oncologist said my body doesn't…
  • That is a clinical trial involving people who had exhausted conventional cancer treatment options and the results, while still needing more research, were promising. Maybe if you two sit and read that?
  • I am starting tomorrow. I am doing keto for cancer treatment/recovery.
  • I have an extremely rare cancer with only 4 known cases in the country (I am sure there are more but are misdiagnosed). I have pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma. Not much is known about it except that it tends to be chemo resistant and mine has proven to be no exception.
  • I am starting tomorrow and my dairy will be open but be forewarned I am not doing keto for weight loss.
  • I am starting Sunday and I am willing to leave my dairy open. I am not doing it for weight loss, I am doing it for cancer treatment/recovery so you might not want to eat as much as I am supposed to be eating. Then I am a guy so there is that.
  • Pistachios are pretty high in fat and are delicious.
  • I personally lost 22 pounds in the 2 months before I found this site eating eggs and bacon for breakfast and tons of fats compared to carbs. I barely exercised.
  • Pistachios will get your fat intake way up. I can get a 36 oz. jug of shelled Pistachios for less than $30.00. 2 oz. of those will give you 316 calories and 25 grams of fat. 2 oz is about 45 kernels.
  • I have not bought it but I am sure it's just a book that includes advice like: Buy conventional meat when it's marked down; Buy food at ethnic markets where prices are lower; Buy in bulk when on sale; Do not let perfection get in the way of good enough; etc etc I like Robb Wolf but I am willing to bet the book is all…
  • I do not agree that carbs are necessary. I lost 22 pounds and I feel great keeping my carbs at about 100 grams per day (1/3 of the recommended amount).
  • Sorry did not see this post.
  • You would be better served by eating 3 whole eggs. Much more satiating.
  • Arrowroot powder, coconut flour, almond flour.
  • I agree with everyone above. It's amazing how much money you may be spending in vending machines, Starbucks, etc. I switched to a paleo diet 3 months ago and I now spend less than I did when I was eating all the processed foods and junk. There are some things you do not necessarily have to buy "organic" and there are some…
  • It is possible it is just Google crawling the web and Dominos, Pizza Hut, etc setting advertisements to be shown on websites where the word pizza is mentioned in a forum. Someone could have typed "I hate Pizza" and it may trigger a flurry of ads.
    in Really?? Comment by neweuquol June 2013
  • I have been Paleo for a little less than 3 months. I have dropped 22 (almost 23) pounds since I started in March and I feel a lot better than I ever did before I went Paleo. Frankly, I do not miss the bread, potatoes, rice, etc. I think it can be sustainable and long term if you can get past the craving for all the sugars…
  • I think Honey is better for you especially local honey. It will help with any allergies you may have as well.