tgordon88 Member


  • Hello my fellow PCOS fighters! I was diagnosed a few months ago and im COMPLETELY lost as to what to eat how much to of it to eat and what to totally cut out... I'm 5'3 270lbs :( Long term goal -100lbs Short term -30lbs Let's support each other!
  • Just turned 26 yesterday add me... I'll do the same... I have 70 lbs to loose.. Let's get it 20somethings!!!
  • Omg today I have decided to give MFP a trail run while keeping my WW subscription active for the next month and I must admit I'm feeling a little anxious.... So far I've lost about 3 lbs on WW but do to recently losing my job I'm not able to afford WW anymore... Has anyone transitioned smoothly from WW to MFP??
  • Hey! I'm about the 5'4 and have 70lbs to loose... I can certainly use some active support!!!