

  • Oh I will be joining this thread eventually! I have had 2 csections in less than 1 1/2 years! DD is 11 weeks now and I was around 80-84kgs at full term and then 76 at 6 weeks PP now 69.4kg at 11 weeks PP and feeling amazing! My belly flap/mummy apron is getting smaller every week :)
  • Hello Hello, I'm a stay at home mum to two little monkeys DS is 18 months and DD is 10 weeks old :) They are truly amazing and keeping me very busy! I am going to a concert in December back in our home town so I really want to lose all the baby weight by then :) So far I have lost over 5kgs in 3 1/2 weeks and have 10-15kgs…
  • I wish I had taken before pics!! I am on day 18 and it feels great! I am also doing the 30 day crunch challenge. My pants are a lot looser around my legs!