

  • I only read the first page of the post because my eyes hurt so I'm sorry if this has already been said, but my $0.02 is: Save most of your calories for night. Or, the time you like eating the best (which for you seems to be evening/night). More important than anything else, IMO, is finding something that works for you.…
  • It doesn't take laxatives to keep you in the bathroom for a whole day or two after a really bad binge. I never take laxatives and almost every time I binge nowadays I can count on having to spent major time in the bathroom. TMI warning, I guess: You can get really painful bloating and gas and have to run to the bathroom…
  • I am on Wellbutrin and it has influenced my weight and eating habits positively. I have not tried any other anti-depressant since this one works perfectly for me and we nailed it on the first try; so I do not have the experience of dealing with the weight gain side effect that most other ADs can carry with them. My best…
  • Wow, I was not expecting to get so much great advice that I feel I can actually do something with! So thanks for that, haha :) I didn't realize you could do a weekly view and also looking at the net calories, that is a great idea and in a minute I'll be off to play with the settings and features on here so that I can learn…