

  • Bagged spinach, celery and peanut butter! Eat them everyday!
  • When I started almost a year ago, I decided to increase my low sugar fruits and veggies to get at least 5 a day, with a focus on leafy greens. As the weight started to come off, I added moderate workouts. As I progressed I cut down on carbs, keeping to no more then 50/day (and yes I still eat chocolate). I've gradually…
  • Welcome and best of luck to you! I've been using MFP since last January and I'm almost to my goal of losing 100 big ones! I plan to use it indefinitely to keep myself on track.
  • I think you should watch and see how your body responds. My body responds more drastically to carbs then calories, I can control my cals and not lose a pound. My husband is the opposite, he can control his calories and eat all the carbs he wants and still not gain. By now you should be noticing what is affecting your body…
  • I agree, stay the course. I know for me the key is consistently weighing myself at the same time, like first thing in the morning before eating, and only comparing a weekly weight instead of daily. Plus, as a woman hormones can make weight differences, once the hormone levels get back to normal I usually see a good…