

  • Hmm I couldn't get Runkeeper to work correctly on my phone, kept having issues with the GPS. I'm going to try it again on Friday though. I've read that some people like to do strength training on off days. Maybe do some weight-lifting or something like that? Me personally I take that day to rest/relax.
  • Are you using an app on your phone or a print out? The app I use is from and it tells you take a day off in between. That's how you're "supposed" to do it I think? Also if you find yourself overheating, try going early in the morning or later in the evening when it won't be as hot outside. I usually do mine…
  • I've been a big proponent of eating what you want for years, long before I ever started exercising. You only live once so you might as well enjoy what you eat, right? That's not to say I eat nothing but junk food, but I'm not going to deprive myself of it just because some "expert" or book or what not says so. I believe…
  • Thanks. :) Yeah I don't blame you for repeating. That's the smart way to do it I think. If you don't feel your ready you shouldn't force it just to force it. When you're ready you'll know it. Today I didn't even realize it was the last run. It said walk and I was like okay cool, water break. Then it said cool down and I…
  • Heck ya! I just finished the full 30 minutes of W1 for the first time. I am repeating W1 because I couldn't get through it the first week, but Monday I did 15 minutes again because I didn't think I could do it yet and then today I got to 15 minutes and was getting a little tired but I just kept going and it was like I…
  • Awesome job man, I started out just a little bit less than where you did just over a week ago and hope I can make similar progress.
  • Awesome job, you're looking much happier and healthier and look great. Amazing how much progress we can make in around a year isn't it? Keep up the great work. :)
  • That's what I am doing. I am doing Week 1 again this week, which if I were following the app to the T it would be considered Week 2, but like I said, I am repeating Week 1 and I am going to until I can do 30 minutes each day. I guess maybe I didn't make that clear in my post, if so my bad. And I am going slow. People…
  • Uh how so? The app I have says walk 5 minutes, jog 1 minute, walk 1.5 minutes, repeat until 25 minutes, walk 5 minutes. I am doing that but only getting to the 15 minute mark. I started last Monday, and have taken each following day off. I took Saturday & Sunday off as well.
  • I did my 4th day today, which should be W2D1, but I couldn't do the full 30 minutes in W1 (only 15). I was going to try to do 30 minutes today, but still could only do 15, so I may have to repeat W1 next week too. I am going to try to do 30 minutes on Wednesday and see how that goes.
  • I think soreness is normal if you're just starting any new physical activity be it running, swimming, playing a team sport, or anything else. Like Vardaeml said you may have over-exerted yourself. I was quite sore myself after my first day. I think I had overdone it as well. But today, which is my 4th day of this, I feel…
  • I just started last week myself and experienced things similar to what you have described. From what I have read on here and other places it's okay to repeat days, weeks, or change up from the exact format laid out. For example, me I felt like I was going to pass out after doing just 15 minutes, which is only half the…
  • An awesome story and transformation. I hope I can achieve mine like that. You look great and you should be proud of your accomplishments. :)
  • Wow, you look awesome, great job! :) Very inspiring to see posts like these.
  • Nice job to both of you, that's awesome. :)
  • Awesome! I don't think I'd ever be able to do something like that, I'm afraid of falling off a ladder 10-20 feet off the ground, lol. Next time you see them ask them if they got their tickets to the gun show and flex. Yeah it's cheesy, but cheesy is good. :)
  • Awesome job man, great work!
  • Talk about inspiring. You've worked hard on this and it shows. Congratulations on your progress so far and you look awesome. Keep up the great work. :)
  • That is awesome! Great job and very inspiring for someone like myself who is just starting out. Keep up the great work. :)
  • I just started last Monday. A real life friend of mine had been doing it and showed remarkable progress and we are of similar builds so I figured if he could do it so could I. I had lost 5 lbs by the end of the first week which is just crazy. Part of it could be coincidence or water retention or lack thereof, but even…