melissaondesko Member


  • It's most likely fructan, a carbohydrate that does not digest well in many (including me). There are a lot of foods with it, all delicious, sadly....
  • Slow and steady weight loss, of course, and begin strength training as soon as possible to build lean body mass. You won't get bulky muscles, I promise you, and you will boost your metabolism and have better support under your skin. Don't wait to "lose the weight" before you strength train, do it now!
  • Ugg ugg ugg. You are not eating enough if you are doing that much exercise. I have watched a lot of people wreck their metabolism through calorie restriction. (I am a fitness director at a wellness center, dietitian by education). It takes a lot for a woman to gain muscle. I have only been able to put on about 2 pounds of…
  • An important thing to remember about abs, is that they are made in the kitchen. Really! MFP gives a calorie goal, but if you are choosing a lot of empty calories, it works against you. Your weight is pretty ideal for your height, so you may want to just look into some focused core training. Get into a routine incorporating…
  • It would be a great idea to give your body a few rest days from that kind of exercise. I do CrossFit, and the body needs that rest. When I do my little CF hiatus, I focus on endurance cardio, running, distance cycling, and it gives me time to fully recover. I still get plenty of exercise, keeps the motor going, and if you…
  • It is a great start, you will lose weight doing it. I would advise as you lose weight, to look into doing some resistance training to maintain lean body mass (muscle). You will lose weight walking, you will change your body strength training.
  • You're doing some strength training, right?