I'm sure someone was just cutting onions in your house!
Awesome job everyone! I went shopping for pants on the weekend and bought a pair of shorts and pants from two different stores, both in a size 6. I've never been a 6 before--I used to be a 12! I was so excited that I took a picture in the change room, which is now my profile picture.
This is fantastic--hilarious and informative!
Enjoy! :smile:
I love the third season of Sherlock! I'm pretty sure The Sign of Three is the greatest thing to ever happen to television.
It's Wednesday. I hate Wednesdays. I'm easily agitated on Wednesday so this seems appropriate.
107 hours later and I finally finished Skyrim. Loved it, obviously. I'm playing the Final Fantasy X remaster at the moment and it's gorgeous! It's my favourite FF game and it's nice to know that 10+ years later and I still enjoy it as much as I did the first time. Except, you know, for certain parts...
They were so lovely! I think Billy Boyd was a bit sauced during his panel, which makes me like him more. Also happy Friday! Anyone looking forward to Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones?
It would make for excellent, unique wedding pictures! And I mean, movie popcorn is pretty much the best thing ever.
RIGHT?! I only saw the trailer last week but I am very intrigued. The whole premise is a bit cliche but I like the direction they're taking it in. Good call on X-men! I wish I had gone to a movie the night before my wedding--maybe I would have been able to relax!
I am a tattoo virgin but I loooove them. I've always told myself that once I get my ideal body I will celebrate with a tattoo, providing I can stop being a wimp about pain. I don't think I could ever get something this big, but it's one of my favourite geeky tattoos:
Well, I didn't get any pictures with Matt Smith or Karen Gillan since their prices were highway robbery, but I did get these gems from the con I went to over the weekend: Hobbitses! Me, my Doctor, and our Tardis
According to the internets, this is photo shopped. :frown: Masterfully photo shopped though!
Well that is just amazing!
^^^Rubs one out.
I have about six of them on my Pinterest board and I keep haggling with my husband as to how many I can buy. So far I haven't worked him past 1...
Haha thanks! You can add sleeves on to their shirts, but unfortunately they are just plain jane cotton. Maybe just buy a wicking shirt that you like and take it into a customization shop, such as
100 hours into Skyrim...does anyone know where I can pick up the quest to get my life back?
- These guys have some really fun gym shirts, and quite a few cater to the geeky side. They have a similar Doctor Who shirt to the one you posted that can be customized by colour/style:
GUYS. Just announced: Matt Smith is coming with Karen Gillian to the Con I'm attending in two weeks. He's not David Tennant, but I'll take it!!!!
Ahahaha, I saw this on Sunday and yes, he is quite pretty. I didn't find him attractive in the first movie but things have apparently changed. However, I had a hard time paying attention to him with Chris Evans' gigantic pecs and biceps filling up 75% of the screen. GODDAMN he is even more jacked than he was in the first…
Happy Friday!
I would have studied something more practical in university rather than trudge through four years of post-secondary that I didn't even enjoy in the end. I also wish I had stuck with dancing when I was a kid.
I may have to fork over some cash to get my picture with her as I'm on to season six and I :heart: her so much.
Well that is basically the most amazing thing I've seen all week. I would buy the **** out of that album.
Ahhhh I just found out Karen Gillan is going to be at the con I'm going to next month! I'm only a few episodes in to the fifth season of Doctor Who but I'm pretty sure she is my favourite companion and I want to be her best friend.