

  • Oh my god..that diet is torture...mentally and can't function on that. I was anorexic for years and almost died. I'm pre-med right now and can go on for ever about how this type of regime will destroy your body. Please go talk to a dietician and need support and guidence..not some crazy diet a…
  • I have done the stats..BMI(which is a horrible predictor of body comp.) 22.1, Using measurements and weight body fat is 16.5% and I take a size 6/28....I think I need to toss the scales...but then I won't know how much I've lost..ha ha
  • Hi, You absolutely should not use negative self can start emotional cycling that will derail your diet and exercise goals. Treat yourself with understanding and love...tell yourself something positive everyday...the road to being healthy and fit can be a bumpy one so go into the journey with the right out look:-)…