

  • lol hey girl! I just came back too- i have "fallen off" a few times & I have finally gotten to a place where I am able to be more patient about my results- I dont want to get frustrated after 2 weeks and then give up this time.... good luck & lets get to it!
  • wow that was fast!! Thanks everyone... I those were some great ideas... the spritzer instead of wine was a good one, my sister usually like to have a glass with me a few times a week so that will help!! I'll start trying all your suggestions out, I'm sure out of all of them there will be a few that sitck :)
  • Bread- bread, bread and more bread! I LOVE my french rolls, sourdough bread & garlic bread. Monday I started really cutting back and eating more fruits/veggies for my healthy carb intake but ooooh how I miss my white toast! I didn't have nearly as hard a time cutting out my daily Starbucks vanilla latte (300 cals by…
  • Thanks! Ive never heard of it, I'll check it out!
  • weeeelllll... not doin THAT great this week, meals are pretty good and Starbucks goal is met but exercise... eh. Tuesday I did a 20 min walk/hike with the hubby and also 10-15 min of spin a a few strength moves- but yesterday I totally was lazy and this morning I woke up SO late... New plan starting tomorrow- MORNING work…
  • Well that weekend was a semi-bust. Totally forgot to log my meals, though I remember what I had & it wasn't too bad... didn't snack unnecessarily, only had some chips & dip at superbowl & didn't even go back & forth to all the other junk & hubby made a healthy dinner (asparagus is SO much better grilled). But I did some…
  • ohhh my GOSH today's workout hurt! I feel better though- 2nd day soreness is so hard to push through. BUT I did liek 10 minutes of stretching, 20 min on the elliptical and 10 min doing a little light weights for arms & situps *ouch!* AND no Starby's today :D
  • Today I did log my foods, though I had a donut (darn my roommate for eating my oatmeal) I didn't have any Starbucks. However--- Jillian Michaels kicked my butt so bad with yesterday's routine I can bearly move today so; no exercise :( But I'm stretching! *Name: Melina *Feb. Starting weight: 154 *Goal weight for Feb.: 149!…
  • Happy to report I did a Jillian Michaels 45 minute DVD workout with some co-workers at lunch today :D off to a good start I think, except I already used my 1 Starbucks for the week (boooo!) Comeonnnn Feb!
  • I have that issue; I got new shoes & new inserts from a running place & lace & unlace but it still feels like my foot falls asleep a little but, you know, it's not like I'm sitting on it- I'm running! I went to a few Dr's and finally talked to a Chiropracter- He said my sciatic nerve is slightly pinched (probably from…
  • Hey there Just wanted to lend some support, my hubby is going through almost the EXACT same thing (roles are switched in my case); I've reached out for some help and have found out that around the 2-3 year mark, its pretty typical (he's currently avoiding the issue and dealing with some additional family stresses/getting…
  • Most people already said what I think, but I wanted to add a side note- make sure you are eating enough! One time I was doing really good workout routines but I didn't realize that I was burning more than I thought & ended up finding out that the calorie intake recommended for me was for non-active people & I was dipping…
  • Hey princess! I agree with the above post, If you talk to your Dr about maybe setting you up with a referral to a counselor or something like that, they can usually give you some options in your insurance network. You can also try your HR reps if you work (they usually have like at least a few counseling sessions for…
  • Probably a good idea since my current exercise is at 0 minutes! *Name: Melina *Feb. Starting weight: 154 *Goal weight for Feb.: 149! Break the 50's! *Goals for Feb.: 1. log meals ON THE WEEKENDS! (Weeks are not so bad, weekends- ugh!) 2. Look through gym schedule on Mondays & pick classes/gym routine for Tues-Sat 3. Only…