Serafimangel Member


  • Temp fix, but if you are going to a dance or wedding or something makes you feel a bit tighter. Last time I did I I lost an inch off hips, half an inch off arms and an inch of thighs, and i think about three quarters of an inch off waist. One good reason to do it, and probably the only good reason, it's hilarious, do it…
  • I think this demonstrates a problem in the entire arguement, it could be argued that vegetarians have lower health risks/live longer etc, but compared to whom? People who are just as aware of what they are eating yet eat meat, but meat that isn't over processed and the rest of their diet is balanced? Or people who shovel…
  • I had my gallbladder removed when I was 18 (4 years ago), I wasn't told anything by the doctors about any lasting effects, but yeah, either constipation or the runs. If she is finding fatty foods troublesome after the op then rosemary connely books are good. She still has her gallbladder but has gallstones (she never had…
  • Major pet peeve, sitting on the equipment doing nothing. Im not being snobby and saying nothings as in hardly anything but literally sitting, watching tv. Especially when there is only one of that particular machine. A few months back an old guy fell asleep on the only crunch machine (no idea of the actual name). I…
  • Now Heinz oes reduced sugar and salt ones, would that maybe be better? Probs more expensive though.
  • Going on what everyone else said, the issue really is if its a smidge too small or way too small. Do you have to keep it closed? At my graduation we got the robes on the day, just got a wee card on what degree we were graduating in. but none of the robes had buttons to close them or anything, just a loop to keep the hood…
  • Hmmm, maybe your best bet is to go to a physical therapy clinic thats dedicated to sports injuries. Even though you maybe have done physio therapy and stuff, they may be able to tell you what kinds of exercises you could do with your injuries? It sounds expensive but I went for a one off consultation (shin and knee pain)…
  • I know how you feel, my bum and thighs are the problem area, always have been. In fact my entire waist is only 4 inches thicker than ONE THIGH. Thats just wrong. What I find helps is calisthenics, the leg exercises I do three times a week, coupled with leg stuff at the gym. I dont have access to a class where I am now, but…
  • THat thing should not be allowed in stores, if just for the simple fact it would give people nightmares. Imagine it, waking up in the middle of the night with that 'big foamed' monstrosity perched at the end of your bed, or in the corner of your room... soulless glass eyes staring at you... how did it get there? the doors…
  • Hey, I use a fitbit and think they're pretty good, but each to their own, maybe shop around and try to find what HRM is best for you. I know you must be feeling frustrated, especially when your hubby is losing quicker though you probs feel that you're doing more work (tch, men). Some people just take a littel longer for…
  • Lol, I avoided polo necks for years because of your reason (though I figured I'd look like a baby seal, a neckless fluffy white blob)! You don't look like you have much to lose and that when it gets waaay harder (in my experience). Im adding you! I'm in a bit of a rut myself and DO NOT want christmas to feed my meaty…
  • i tried the vanilla thinking it would be the least strong flavoured and sickening, how wrong I was. I thought I was being good as well by avioding the cookies and cream and the chocolate flavoured ones. Darn...
  • We could tax the *kitten* out of unhealthy foods (and the companies) to levy the healthy ones! No kid needs flourescent blue soda, but loads of people cannot even afford fruit. Cheaper fruit and veg and we can make macdonalds and coca cola pay for it! Ah, just you wait, when I take over the world... Seriously though I…
  • I just go out anyway and not drink, my friends always got drunk way before me anyway (to the point i'm too concerned whith looking after them to keep drinking, so I never got drunk), so no one has really noticed the change. Just get one drink, even a small glass of wine or something (though some bars will give you the…
  • THe marathon runner's cookbook is pretty good, it has pre and post bits and good ideas for breakfast lunch and dinner.
  • I would say it probably is a disorder. But then it depends on the extent of the 'obsession'. I mean about 90% of people on MFP strive to be as healthy as possible, just as many strive to reduce calories to lose weight. To one point the latter is to lose weight in an acceptable fashion, to an extreme it is anorexia nervosa,…
  • Can't beat a good ol fashioned push up (great for the core too)! Chest flies too are pretty good as well. You could also try going for a walk with arm weights on? (I do this on the treadmill), but that has been the most beneficial for me, to the point where I dont feel the 3kg on each arm.
  • I used to do this, almost as if my body would stop taking in the calories after a while (lol). Now if I have a stumble (like a three cupcake stumble) then I just try to get back on the wagon. I log it in too, so I'm more likely to be more careful for the rest of the day. (I used to just not log anything in those days).…
  • This^ I'm reluctant to do it if I've only burned 300 or something, but after a half marathon or something, I am quite willing to tackle and eat an entire cow.
  • I eat back some not all. Sometimes I seem to be burning about 1000 extra or more and I just can't make myself eat that much more. That is perhaps why I havent been losing lately. But I started losing a few years ago by going from 1400 to 1650-1750. I am round about that now but burning a lot more. It is a mental block I…
  • I went to physio for this, was told I had overdone it and needed to strech more after. You could also try ice on them post workout or massaging them (or both). To be honest though mine have improved but still hurt every time, will have to try upping my potassium too methinks.
  • okay, diary open now!
  • Went to a nutritionalist for health problems (bloating and eczema) also was losing weight at the time and finding it difficult despite being a healthy weight. She was kinda crap. Told me loads of stuff I already knew, told me I should not lose any more weight even though I was not comfortable at that weight and size (about…
  • Body dismorphia? I remember seeing a program and the trainer said (about the girl who was losing weight and was about helfway through) she was still the 'fat girl' inside. You could start tape measuring some bits of your body if you dont already, sometimes even with weight on the scales it doesnt seem real, but being able…
  • Grass is greener? Korea has the highest volume of clients for plastic surgery in asia (percentage wise) You never will look like a korean woman, you're not korean, even if it is just bodyshape, people are built differently and koren girls have got very slim natural builds, hows about going for a blonde bombshell instead? A…
  • Chris Hemsworth, oh yeah. Whoops, just drooled on my laptop
  • When I lived in paris it always annoyed me when the trourism touts were trying to sell me keychains when I'm jogging outside (do I look like I'm gonna stop and buy a keychain? I dont even have pockets!). They would actually step in front of me and jangle that big metal hoop full of keychains at me, threw me off my stride…
  • Thanks guys, your comments gave me food for thought (the lowest calorie food of all!).Eek, what an awful pun. I only have 3 glasses at most (or 2 beers), and never get drunk, it's like I skip the feeling drunk stage (as 2-3 glasses isnt enough to get me tipsy) to the hungover. I may just try to eat more and limit it to 1…
  • You know that cee lo green song? '*kitten* you', well, that entire song should be dedicated to them. What the hell do they want? You are trying to change yourself to become a better, healthier you, and that, what, offends them? A lot of people have said this, it is this kind of attitude that prevents people trying to lose…