

  • Agree with everyone who says cardio outside is much less boring. I cycle to and from work and it never gets old, from overtaking the traffic to not getting knocked off my bike, from trying to beat my best time to enjoying catching all the lights on green, from a slight sense of superiority as I go past the bus queue to…
  • I feel exactly the same way about women. A girl with good ink is incredibly sexy. Have you seen the current UK issue of Skin Deep. The cover model is Courtney Lloyd. Never heard of her before, but dayum! I'm also planning my 2nd tattoo (had my first one done about 15 years ago, never regretted it, always wanted more) hence…
  • I'm the same. I have been 14 stone for ages now, but I recently had to punch a new hole in my belt, so I know my waist is getting smaller. And I can notice fat disappearing from my arms and legs. I run and bicycle for exercise mostly, but I do lift weights to try and avoid losing muscle mass which can happen with pure…
  • courgettes are zucchini
  • LOL, are you me?? This is about 50% of my diet. To the OP: I live in England too. I'm fortunate enough to have a Waitrose at the bottom of my road. 99% of what I buy comes from the first three aisles: Fruit and veg, dairy and the reduced section for meat for my freezer. The most processed food I eat is tinned tomatoes and…
  • I posted this in another thread, thought it might be appreciated here ... So many things to say I don't know where to start ... I'm 45 years old. In my adult life, the lightest I have been is about 12 1/2 to 13 stone. The heaviest I've been is nearly 19 stone, which was 18 months ago or so. I'm currently 14 stone. My…
  • So many things to say I don't know where to start ... I'm 45 years old. In my adult life, the lightest I have been is about 12 1/2 to 13 stone. The heaviest I've been is nearly 19 stone, which was 18 months ago or so. I'm currently 14 stone. My weight has yo-yo'd a lot, but I'm not the classic yo-yo dieter. When my weight…
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