mpersun Member


  • I could use some accountability partners! 5'2" and looking to lose 50+ lbs. Are you all following a specific diet or exercise program? Add me :). I'll try to figure out how to add of all you! Michele
  • Anyone can add me :)
  • Me!! I need some encouragement as well! I've been trying to lose the same 40-50 lbs since my daughter was born 3 years ago. I always start well and get to a good spot and then give up. I feel like this time around I am doing it for me...not to be ready for a wedding or to go on vacation, but now I'm finally ready to do it…
  • 40 and mom of 4. Just trying to get back on track with MFP I have a lot of success if I log consistently and exercise...both of which I have been slacking lately. Add me! I hid my scale and I'm going to focus on feeling healthy and inches lost. Would love some accountability friends :)
  • Great job yesterday!
  • ACCOUNTABILITY GOALS... Name: Michele Date: Thursday, January 15, 2015 Weight: didn’t weigh 1. Logged Food? Yes 2. 10,000 steps? Yes, 23,914 3. Under 1500 Calories? No, 1804 4. AM Workout? No 5. Exercise and Calories? Ellipical 30 min 237 cal 6. Water (48 oz)? Yes 7. Multi-Vitamin? No DAILY TOTAL: 4/7 WEEKLY TOTAL: 8/49…
  • We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons. ~Jim Rohn ACCOUNTABILITY GOALS... Name: Michele Date: Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Weight: didn’t weigh 1. Logged Food? Yes 2. 10,000 steps? Yes, 14,578 3. Under 1500…
  • Great! I was off work yesterday for an appointment so I didn't get to do mine for Tuesday, but I will post mine from yesterday. Wasn't a great day though.
  • This is only my second week back trying to be healthy and I am struggling already! UGH. It really takes a lot of effort to eat healthy, it's so easy to grab quick, unhealthy foods. I'm still exercising, but today is a wash. My son has a wrestling match 1.5 hours away and I didn't get up this morning to get my workout in…
  • I was officially down 7.1lbs this first week. I was under my calorie goal for the week as well, but yesterday I went a little crazy with my free day, but I did get to the gym yesterday as well. Hopefully it won't affect next weeks weigh-in! Great job on the losses so far!
  • This week went really well for me. I've been under my calorie goal all week and I've been exercising every day except today. My goal is to lose 40 lbs and I will be weighing in on Sundays officially although I tend to weigh in every day. Considering putting the scale away and only allowing myself to weigh once a week at…
  • The weekends always seem to be a challenge for me. Too easy to eat unhealthy when at home. Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow!
  • Just getting back into using my fitbit flex. Add me at I can use some more motivation!
  • I'm a teacher as well!!
  • YOU LOOK AWESOME!!! Congrats on weight loss so far! Last week was bad for me but I am happy to report that I got up this morning at 5:30 and and got W1D1 completed! So i am a week behind, but better late than never!! Last week i tried to eat healthy I just wasn't organized enough to get in the exercises. I am on track for…
  • I'd like to join your group! This is the motivation i need to get started. I've not started T25 yet, but I will my week 1 day 1 workout in tonight! I've got 4 kids plus 5 step kids and three jobs (one of them a home bakery) and all of this has led to weight gain and not taking time for myself! I'm ready to get back to a…
  • MFP has me at 1200 too, but I shoot more towards 1500 calories a day and don't really factor in the exercise. 1200 is too low for me. Not sure why the scale hasn't moved, maybe eat a little more?? I think it is hard when nursing to lose weight. This is my fourth baby and the last of the baby weight never seemed to come off…
  • I'm using the modifier a lot as well. My knees hurt no clicking though. I'm making my goal to no longer need to modify by the end of week 3.
  • Great job! I'm officially gonna weigh in tomorrow after the first full week on the program. A sneak peak showed 5+ Loss. Hopefully it still says that tomorrow morning!
  • I'm still nursing as we'll but my baby is 8 months old so I'm hoping by now this won't affect anything. She only gets breastmilk( no formula) and baby food. So far after one full week no problems. Michele
  • Hi all. I'm Michele from PA. I'm planning to begin T25 on Jan 1. 38 years old and need to lose 40 lbs. Had a baby in April and haven't had any luck losing the weight. I've done P90X in the past and loved it but with the new baby I have little time for exercise. (I also have 3 other children and 5 step kids). I've not tried…