lulavenus Member


  • Hello! I get exercised induced asthma from running outdoors. The cold air entering my lungs when I'm running leaves me with a really bad cough and a sore chest! But it is so much nicer running outdoors. Perhaps do some power walking outdoors instead - I don't find that as vexing on my lungs.
  • Enjoy the tasty meals at lunch and dinner time it if you're happy to exceed the calorie limit - but when it comes to things like dessert and snacking (biscuits, pancakes) that's where your self restraint needs to kick in. I definitely eat more at the weekends (I think that's how I manage to stay so good during the week)…
  • I try to go for every 2 weeks but sometimes I cave and do it earlier. When I do, I'm normally happy with the results so it's a nice motivation.
  • My mother has an underactive thyroid. It's upsetting for her, like her body is turning against her. Unfortunately she can't diet with the results most people would acheive so she took up the 500cal (a day) diet. She did it through a pharmacist who monitored her health througout. I…
  • I'd do it, but I'm Irish. That would mean no drinking on St Patrick's Day. Also, I'm Irish. So it's kind of impossible.
  • Chase & Status - End Credits Darude - Sandstorm Basement Jaxx - Plug it in & Red Alert Not things I'd normally listen to but for working out, they're really great!
  • I'm an atheist but was raised Catholic. One lent I served every morning at 7am Mass as an altar girl. By the end of Mass I received about fourteen easter eggs from the priest & some appreciatve members of the congregation. That was the most fruitful Easter ever!
  • I think they're too high. I'm a figure skater and if MFP is right in telling me how many calories I'm losing ice skating, then I should be as thin as a rake!
  • Just got my first box yesterday - I can tell I'm going to love it. I'll only have one snack a day and order a box a week. It's maybe something I could make up myself but it would be hard matching all those ingredients and deciding the right weight and portions to determine the calories.
  • Log ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you eat and drink. This was the only way I was able to see all those hidden calories - real butter on toast, cheese (on nearly everything), real mayonnaise, and calories in alcohol. I swear I was netting about 2500 calories a day (I stopped when I started to hit 60kg). You begin to grasp what you…
  • First thing in the morning, twice a week. I think mechanical scales are the best.
  • SPARKLING WATER! It's so light and easy to drink - I find that still water just sloshes about in my tummy. It also feels less bland. I get a 2litre bottle every day on the way to work (only 59p!) and drink most of it by the end of the day.
  • I'm 5'4 and 126. I want to be around 120 because I'm not used to being the weight I am now. I have a lovely wardrobe of size 8 clothes that I would just love to get into again! I'm a size ten but I seem to put on weight on my tummy - I swear I look like I'm expecting sometimes! Would be nice to get rid of the food baby!
  • First thing's first: chin up! You are totally allowed to have days like this, remember that. how realistic is your goal? Is 5kg perhaps too much? Maybe aim for 3 - it will be in closer sight, and you'll feel like you're reaching your goal quicker. Then when you lose that 3, it might be even easier to think 'just another 1'…