

  • I'm in, I need to be in a wedding at the end of August and would love to lose about 25 more pounds. SW: 174 CW: 157 GW: 140 Mega GW: 130
  • Rowing works wonders!
  • Okay this is huge. I have been a vegetarian for almost 11 years, more than half those years were spent on vegan-ism. My best advice to you, or anyone else recently or thinking about becoming a veg-head, is WATCH YOUR CARBS. A lot of people who start a vegetarian lifestyle don't plan their meals out well and wind up filling…
  • So far my favorite move has been the wide football sprints. Love them! What's your favorite? [/quote] The 8 and 8 hop squats and push ups, that's where I can really tel I've progressed. Thanks to everyone in the group for being so supportive, makes me feel like we're all really in this together!
  • I'm on my second week of Insanity. I feel like throwing in the towel but. I know it'll be worth it in the end. Love to join the group, hopefully I'll drop a bit of weight, already down 3lbs since starting Insanity, starting to see the change in my body. Heaviest Weight: 174 (Nov 2010) Current Weight: 158 Mini Goal Weight:…
  • Would love to join, going on vacation next month and want to knock off some pounds before I head out. PW:161 CW: 158 GW: 140
  • Dropped 3 pounds! PW:161 CW: 158 GW: 140 2 more weeks hoping to be down at least another 4
  • Joining a little late, the month has just begun. Name: Eb Age: 28 Current Weight:161
  • Just started Insanity this week, it's already made my body feel like it's been run over. I am just wondering if there's light at the end of the tunnel. Have you guys had any solid results with this program? I'm combining this workout with a vegan lifestyle so hopefully I get something out of this. I'm glad there's support…