

  • Wow really great advice. I know it will take some.. ok a good amount of time to lose my weight, maybe more than 5 months. I just want to overcome my obstacles so I can move on. When I meet my goal, I'll have a new goal and so on. When there's nothing left to better, my heart will be ready for skydiving :D
  • I did put some on quickly though after my hiatus, roughly 20lbs in 45 days. So I guess that's why I feel the need to at least quickly lose the weight to get back to where I was. Thank you for the advice and congratulations on your baby!
  • That's what I thought at first cause I lost 6 lbs the week I started but then it was a slow decline from there.
  • Thanks, I did my measurements just now and I've lost .5-1 inches all around and 2 inches off my thighs. I guess i'd have to invest in one of those. Even though I usually eat small things that have the NF for the whole portion. It's really hard to measure home cooked meals which i'm doing more often because of the veggie…
  • Well chocolate I replaced it with peanut butter. Sugar drinks I replaced with water, ice tea, and fresh fruit shakes (no added sugar) and the rice well I guess veggie pasta or just have beans by themselves. As my activity calories I just go by what the gym equipment calculates or what MFP displays on the log.
  • It does sound like i'm stressing but thing is I started exercising last January. Same routine except I only counted calories. I still ate meat, the occasional chocolate, rice, and sugary drinks but no soda and from January 17- May2, I lost 22 lbs! What I'm doing right now is trying to design a healthier lifestyle but it…
  • Well I'm having trouble doing just that. Ever since I went veggie, I'm hungry almost all the time so I snack on good things but they still do have calories. For example, I have a granola bar around 12 it has 10g of protein but it's 200 calories. I rather sacrifice calories for protein. Some 100 calorie bars don't have much…
  • Hi! Yes I have since I last took measurements mid July I've lost a range of .5- 2 inches all around. 2 inches being the most on my thighs. Don't really know if that's a slow pace as I've heard from some people they lose a lot of inches but don't lose much weight..
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