

  • I am trying hard to stick with healthy foods today, stay focused and motivated to get the list of items done that need to be completed. So off of this forum I go and start scratching off my to do list! Have a great day every one - remember, every day above ground is a good day! Embrace it.
  • I agree with a previous post, it is how YOU feel and how YOU want to look. I am "middle aged" now with a growing "middle". I would not say I am over weight.....yet. When I bring up MFP, I hear but your look great, you are thin, but it is how I wear my clothes and how I feel. I do want to drop some pounds, become more…
  • Hi Everyone! I want to eat healthier and lose the "middle age" spread before it is out of control. I was reading how important protein is as well to keep muscle tone. So I did purchase a protein mix to supplement. Love MFP to help track everything. :drinker: