GoClaireGo Member


  • I would recommend going to youtube.com and watching some of the videos. It might be possible that you have some weak muscles that are playing a role. If that is the case I would recommend doing some circuit training (if a gym is available) or trying some modified lunges to help you work up to them!…
  • Way to go! Do you know how many women NEVER get back down to pre-pregnancy weight?? You should be proud!
  • It is up to the person. I will say that there is a lot of research that shows that even with one drink you sleep significantly worse. Being sleepy is a major diet sabotage for me. I am really trying to limit myself to 2 drinks on one weekend night. I usually go for a shot of vodka in crystal light : )
  • I would not spend that. I get too much smug satisfaction out of looking good in clothes that are cheap cheap cheap. I would especially not spend that if I had other jeans that are already getting the job done. I have friends that own 20 pairs of jeans that fit them. DUMB.
  • Don't keep it in the house! I have a serious sweet tooth too. I seem to collect little pieces of chocolate when they are offered to me for free...this happens at work a lot (especially around holidays). I FREEZE them. Then if I am losing the willpower battle I take one out and by the time it has thawed I don't want it…
  • I value health the most! I like to set fun goals for myself to ensure that I stay active and if I lose weight then that is great. You can be overweight and cardiovascularly fit. You can also be underweight/normal weight and be completely unhealthy and have many health complications.
  • 1. Good high fiber bread with PB and honey/jelly 2. Apples (can usually find for $1/lb) are cheaper and more filling than chips 3. Homemade soups/chili with lots of beans instead of meat - I do this a lot if I have sprung for veggie produce and they are near their date. I chop up any carrots, onions, tomatoes etc and put…