Hi, I'm Anna from VA. I am a power poler - inverts, tricks and crazy moves are my thing, but dancing... not so much. I am pretty strong, but I need to work on my lower back and lower abs (ahh, I want the last "2 pack" to finally show up!!), flexibility and balance. I am strong enough to hold a handstand, but I fall out of…
Yep. I am a power poler - trick and strength is my things. I've been poling for over a year, own a pole, attend classes and pole jams and I am also competing this Saturday for the first time!
My fat is kinda low as it is, according to charts, but I can see it all gathered at my bum and legs now)))) I guess you are right, I should at least double my protein. I need to avoid protein powder though, as I agreed with my BF (don't ask...). I snack mostly on apples, pineaple, peach, mango, strawberry and baby carrots,…
The only thing I can think off is waste (haha) and water, since it has beet really hot for the past week... but I always drink a lot and I have been exercising even more during this time, because my competition is next week. So, I don't know. Cycle related?... I'll update if anything changes. P.S. phew. I am not the only…