SBakaitis Member


  • 150 is my freak out weight as well. I can not seem to get under it. I come close and then either stay right there or gain a few back. 3 lbs away from it right now (on WW scale anyhow, just a few oz above on my scale at home). Just keep working at it and you'll be below that number before you realize it! And then you can…
  • Sounds delicious! I was trying to think of something to bring for the birthday /anniversary celebration at work and I think I just found it! Thanks!
  • Hi! I am Susan and just joined today as well! Love the website so far! I thought tracking WW points was easy, but this really takes the cake! Hopefully this will make me accountable enough to myself that I can drop the last 20! (It was 10-15, but then Christmas happened!) Good luck to all!
    in Hello Comment by SBakaitis January 2010