VTRutz Member


  • i had to start by asking myself EVERY time I put food in my mouth "Is this helping me towards my goal?" AND in particularly dire situations (donuts at work anyone?) I would say that if I could drink a glass of water and think about my goals for 5 minutes and still want that donut I could have it. After the water and 5…
  • TL;DR (Mostly because some of the crazy irrelevant-to-the-actual-question "advice" is grating on my nerves) My recommendations for foods to keep you full: high fiber, high protein, or high fat. Doesnt have to be all three, but each of these things help signal "full" to the body. High fat: Cheese, avocado, nuts, or- search…
  • this. exactly this.
  • I have to agree with the guys above me. Every time my weight loss has stalled, or been unsustainable, was when I was eating too little. Instead, try aiming for a little bit higher calories, and filling those calories with nutritionally dense foods. Avocados. Coconut. Nuts. My advice to stick with it? Constantly remind…
  • Im not Type II, but I do eat VLC (keto-ish) with a daily carb goal of 30-40g. I almost always hit my 1200 calorie goal...my diary is open to everyone, so feel free to pop in and see if there are any items that pop out at you!
  • The only time my husband ever says anything about my weight or weight loss is to 1) tell me Im beautiful or 2) when I ask him to go get me a {insert healthy eating unapproved item here} he asks if I am really sure I want him to and if it fits with my goals.... and thats honestly a good thing because I am HARDCORE an…
  • I don't see what the difficult situation is... Just tell them you don't care for blue cheese. Unless they made the blue cheese from scratch, and slaved over it for weeks in a cheese cave because they thought you loved it I highly doubt they are going to be offended....
  • Somebody forgot to mention honey on the shirtless guys. Its "healthy" right?! ;) For real OP- just do you, and then report back your success! as long as you get ENOUGH, and your macros aren't crazy, and you get results who cares how? All roads lead to Rome...
  • if you arent insulin resistant then no, you dont have to do low carb. A lot of women with PCOS have insulin resistance, and THAT is what makes LC necessary.
  • I have to agree that it sounds like your pedometer is off kilter.... depending on your stride your 4 mile run should get you 5k+ steps on its own. Then not to mention all the walking around the office, walking the dog... On days I do NOTHING but sit at my desk and go home I still get at least 5k steps in. something sounds…
  • I always look at it this way... if they don't look like animals/bugs have eaten them, there is probably a reason. Mushrooms are so tricky. I would TOTALLY be the first to kick the bucket come world apocalypse where foraging is necessary to survive. Unless I could forage the whole foods.
  • I second the "Nuts" idea!! Walnuts and Almonds pack a calorie punch. Also, try adding nutrient dense food to your meals like avocado! Loaded with healthy fats and calories.
  • I also find when I dont eat enough (like when I am hitting my calories but not accounting for what i burn while working out and going too low) that my body tends to stall and hang on to everything. When I work out hard, I up my calories 200 or so and I almost always see the weight come back down.
  • I know this is an old post, but MAN does this infuriate me. PCOS is not the "SAME EXACT" in everyone. You can have PCOS with Insulin Resistance. You can be lean PCOS. You can have PCOS with absolutely NO PCO's! It is a flurry of different things that all get packed into one stupid disorder- so congratulate your wife on…
  • I pinterest all of my "on the go" ideas. Salads in mason jars. PB containers with celery. an "emergency" snack kit in my purse (with nuts/crackers/ other healthy non-perishables).... being prepared is HARD to start with.
  • Low(er) carb and exercise are the only thing that helps me lose weight with my IR PCOS. Metformin only ever made me sick :(
    in METFORMIN Comment by VTRutz June 2014
  • I highly recommend getting a good food scale. You never really realize how small (or big) a portion of something is when you eyeball it.
  • Blegh. Greek yogurt. I eat it, but I add a scoop of protein powder to it in a flavor, like chocolate or vanilla (I had a PB Cookie dough flavored one once, that was REALLY GOOD). Bumps up the protein even more and makes the greek yogurt palatable! :)