

  • make sure you are updating your goals on here as when you start to lose the weight every so often you have to slightly decrease your calorie intake. also change your excercise routine as your body maybe used to it. i jog 3 miles twice a week and do zumba twice in class and twice at home. i also have at least a day at the…
  • WOW...before and after!!!!:happy:
  • hi jen...good luck. this app is fantastic and acts as a great motivator, al the best..jenny:happy:
  • WELL DONE!!! i am just waiting for the rain to stop so i can go for my run...feels weird to say that but i can already see the results..i will get my body back...good luck on your journey x
  • good luck..i have put weight on since i stopped smoking after 25 years!!! i am fast approaching 40 and need to sort myself out before i get there..i hope this site works for you..i have only been on a few days and the food diary calorie counter has really helped me....for the first time in over 20 years i went for a 4 mile…