heatherstone5 Member


  • Gyms aren't for everyone. There are a million ways to exercise, so find one that you like that you don't have to force yourself to do. I personally despise going to the gym. I would much rather take my dog for a long walk, or ride my bike on some beautiful back roads where I can enjoy the scenery.
  • Great advice. I met with a nutritionist a few weeks ago, and started eating within 30 minutes of waking up. I also eat ev dry 3-4 hours,which I always thought seemed crazy. In two weeks I have lost weight, feel better, and put an end to the binges that were sabotaging my diet.
  • I have a tendency to binge as well. I talked to a nutrionist, and have made some changes that seem to be helping. 1) Record EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. FP is great for this. 2) Eat something within 30 minutes of waking up to get your metabolism going. I am usually not hungry when I first wakeup, but have noticed that…