Yesterday, I had my first binge day in 3 weeks. I was disappointed in myself for sure. I was home alone sick so it gave me my excuse and the time to do it, which is pretty sad. I got myself under control once my husband got home......but I didn't tell him about it. I did admit it to my friend who has been helping me keep…
I am the same way! I will say that it is harder for me to eat secretly at home because my husband and kids are constantly around, but man, if they leave the house - watch out. I go through periods where I gourge myself on all of my favorites for months until I feel horrible and disgusting. Then I jump on the diet wagon for…
I would love to join as well please!!! Just made a fresh grocery run on Friday and binged all weekend long :(
Ok, so after going to the meeting, I would think that the new PointsPlus program would work for you. The majority of the people get 29 points per day (that's the lowest that it will go) and you get 49 weekly points. Now the points values have gone up on a lot of foods, but now pretty much all your frutis and veggies are 0…
I'm actually going to my first weigh-in and Weight Watchers at Work meeting today and will find out how their "new system" works. I used their old points system a few years back and lost 50 lbs. However, I got WAY off track and gained almost 40 of it back. I've been reading comments about the new PP system and how people…