

  • Don't wait too long to eat... have little snacks between meals....a little handful of nuts, a half apple and some peanut butter, a cup of V8, a cracker pack, a cup of 2% milk to name a few...this will help keep blood sugars level and reduce cravings. That s for the physical... mental is another matter also yikes on…
  • My husband had it happen just like you said... No straws though as that could knock the plug (scab) out that stopped the bleeding, but i'm sure your dentist told you that... When I got my wisdom teeth out I had poached eggs and corned beef hash... and....ice cream (ice milk is better). my husband loved this treatment as…
  • If you work at keeping your blood sugar levels more steady it will help. It is true a piece of fruit and maybe a cheese stick with a glass of water at ...2:30? before you are starving should fix that. If you wait 'til you 're starving it is much harder to not pig out on all the wrong stuff. Also, personally (if time…
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